Welcome to the about section! Learn more about me and how this website came to be!
About Me

My name is Sagar Thapa and I have moved more than enough times in my life but I am not done yet!
This one time I had to fill out my education history and I had eight different schools, and funnily enough, I didn’t attend nursery. I was home-schooled for that. I was 14 when I received my first instrument, the bass guitar. I was in love with it.
At age 18 after finishing high school, I attended a seminary where they taught a mixture of music and theology. After finishing that diploma I sat down and thought hard about what I should do. I came up with the most brilliant plan.
I will attend college, if you ever meet me or pick my brains on whether or not you ought to attend college, you’d be surprised about how much I used to care and how little I do now.
Not just any college either, I will attend Berklee and Berklee did I attend.
It was a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations about myself. Whatever I may think about education and music colleges, in particular, it was a very profound way to look at my life and reevaluate my priorities.
So, I went through the first half of my 20s, learning. I picked up music production and many other skills not related to music. Like fixing my own motorcycles. I ended up moving to Bangalore in 2019 and made a few friends (two). One of my friends and I ended up releasing a song that was mixed and mastered by me.
I also picked up 3D animation and did quite a lot of work in that field as well. Then something started to bubble. Similarities between the two disciplines started to emerge. Learning music and learning 3D animation was not really that far away from each other.
I started documenting my progress and thoughts about 3D so that I wouldn’t forget about it then it hit me, all these years of knowledge within me, just sitting vacant, this knowledge needs to go somewhere where people can benefit from it and not just be blabbering about it when someone meets me.
Birth of BOSL (Best Online Singing Lessons)
I created this website to help people raise their awareness of what does and doesn’t take for them to learn how to sing better. Singing is one of those things that is plagued with many myths that aren’t true and so many things that need to be spoken about when it comes to practicing music correctly.
That’s why to that end I have made major categories from which you can start to learn about certain things. I am definitely more of a writer than I am a YouTuber, the blogs just felt right and something that I could take my time explaining the things that I wanted to explain in the way that I would like to explain.
Singing Demystified : These are instructional blogs on which you can take real-life action to start singing better.
Advice for Singers : Things that I believe every singer and musician ought to know so that there is no confusion as you practice through things.
Explain It To Me : Certain things are required for you to understand why they work and if they do how you can harness it to your best potential.
Lies about Singing : Probably my favorite, read these blogs as I take you through what nonsense others say and believe and smash those lies to pieces so that we all can go back to understanding singing a little bit better.
I hope you enjoy everything that you’ll read here and don’t feel shy about reaching out to me in order for you to clarify any more doubts or just chat about music or anything else really!