So you want to record yourself? And you’re wondering what is the best application you can have for this particular use? Look no further.
You need to learn the basics of a DAW, a Digital Audio Workstation. DAWs are responsible for recording all modern-day songs in every studio in the world. They have replaced every analog technology and have become irreplaceable. They can track, edit and even help you mic your own songs.
But that’s not it, it allows you to do so much more. When the world DAW opened up to my 20-year self, it was magical.
It’s a DAW!
Digital audio workstations are the way to go for this kind of job if you want to track your own voice. In other words, it means if you want to record yourself the best way to do it is on a digital audio workstation.
There are many digital audio workstations out there some of them are free but I suggest that you pay for one because most of them come with perpetual licenses these days. This means you can use them for however long you want and you just have to buy them once.
One of such softwares is Reaper. Which is the same software I use for my everyday digital audio workstation needs.
Mind you, recording yourself with the highest quality is going to be determined by what hardware you have as well. It can be super cheap and you don’t need to spend a fortune to get this.
Since you are curious about how to track yourself I thought I’d just add that you need to have an audio interface (comes with USB and phantom power), a mic, and an XLR cable connecting the mic to the audio interface.
It’s easy but that is the bare minimum you need to get working. If you choose to, you can almost always buy an audio interface and a mic secondhand and still enjoy the same quality and fun!
DAWs are Powerful
Digital audio workstation or literally all-powerful when it comes to doing anything related to audio. They can record you, you can add effects to your recordings and if you stick with it and learn proper music production then you can actually start mixing and mastering your own songs. Which is what I do. And it’s 100% possible.
The point is digital audio workstation allows you to do a lot more than just record yourself. The reason this is important is that it goes far beyond other than your current requirement and if you ever have any need that arises other than tracking yourself the DAW will always be able to do that task.
It is highly convenient and learning a Digital Audio Workstation is almost essential for all musicians of all types today.
Not knowing how to operate a digital audio workstation is probably a handicap in today’s modern world as a musician. It’s that serious of a crime.
Not only you can record yourself at home but if you do plan to pursue music professionally it will also allow you to send out your demos (which can start to sound very good at your home with minimal effort) so it actually saves you time and money by not going to the full blown out studio which charge by the hour.
DAW is How Audio Production Works
If you do decide to go to the studio you will notice that even in the studios you will find digital audio workstations! They no longer use analog gear (they do but no longer are they compulsory)! Everything has shifted to computers because they are just better in every form and shape and they end up saving you tons of time as well!
Also the studios you will end up scene big-name DAWs like Pro Tools, Abelton, and many more. But that shouldn’t make you feel left out because, in reality, all-digital audio workstations work the same. In other words, their principles of working are the same.
So if you know the workings of one digital audio workstation and you know the basic format function of what a DAW can generally do you will not only be able to track yourself but you will also be able to do so much more. But in reality, if you’re a singer then the thing that will distinguish you from everyone else is going to be….
So It Teaches You More Than Just Tracking
So learning about digital audio workstations helps in every way more than just tracking. It is going to start making you able to learn music production as well.
You will understand the nuances of singing with a backing track as well.
But the most important thing is this it will allow you to practice just thinking skills as well you can take any exercise from anywhere and you can have a bag and try going on and you can start singing over it and you can measure how well you are singing.
who said you can’t mix and master your own sinking practice sessions?
and that leads us to the most important point…
Being Able to Sing When the Time Comes
Imagine you finally get into the studio, professional or a home studio and you need to sing your parts, the last thing you ever want to do is butcher it, that’s why you need to practice.
I have a whole list of courses that can teach you to do that thing exactly. You can read all about it here.
I hope you found this article helpful and I hope you read a few more!