Can Anyone Have a Good Singing Voice?

Does everyone get to participate in this amazing craft? Or is it reserved for the few? I think the answer may seem too good to be true but you should keep hope and read it all the way through for yourself.

Anyone can become good at singing. The more you understand that it is more about understanding and practicing the correct things, the more you will have a clearer view of practice and progress. Once this understanding is accepted, getting better is inevitable.

Given that you give time to it. But speaking of which, let’s not waste any more and keep on reading!

Believe It Or Not, It’s True

Yes, anyone can have a good singing voice. 

This whole website is based on helping people so that they are able to sing better than before and one of the things that you will find in all of my writing here is that I talk about deliberate practice and how age doesn’t matter and how if you focus on what you practice and how much you practice you will eventually get better. 

If you haven’t read anything before I suggest you take a look and get yourself acquainted. This is not so that you may read more of my article, I am just thinking about you. Seriously.

Why We Believe in Practice

So, how is it possible for anyone to have a good voice?

Isn’t a good voice based on talent and innate ability?

The answer to these questions is known and have written extensively about them as well. What you need to understand is that when anyone tries to learn anything from scratch as an adult which also means that they were not exposed to that particular thing when they were a child, the only way for them to improve is through one thing. 


So if you are someone who is trying to learn how to sing and I assume you are, then all you need to know for you to get better is that you need correct knowledge, which I will explain why the time to practice and that’s it.

Importance of Correct Knowledge

Incorrect knowledge is two things. It is knowledge and it is false. Don’t be wise in dumb things.

The reason that correct knowledge is important is that most of the singing that you do is based on having a really good technique. Without the proper knowledge of that technique, you will end up practicing things that are not the most effective way to sing, and that creates a bad habit. 

It may be breathwork or it may be not a developed technique at all. If you keep on practicing incorrect things you grow along your path of learning how to sing with habits that don’t help you sing at all. 

They can be undone and they will take longer. It’s like going on the wrong path and having to retrace back and then starting to walk on the current path. 

Breaking bad singing habits requires double correction.

The solution to these things is simply having the right knowledge

But how can you have knowledge if you have not had it before; through teachers? Now the issue is if you want to go to a person in real life and ask them about their expertise they will probably charge you money for it and the second issue is there is a personal bias towards how knowledge is conveyed. 

Not everyone is meant to be a teacher because their ability to explain things to you and adapt to your needs to be on point otherwise it’s like talking to someone who understands something but you don’t,  regardless of how much they try to expose you to their knowledge, it won’t work because you don’t understand the underlying principles behind their reasoning.

So correct knowledge if you want it on the cheap side without sacrificing the quality can be found in online courses. At the end of the article, I have given you many resources which you can learn singing from.

What Comes After?

What you must understand the reason you want correct knowledge is not only just to develop correct techniques, but also to learn what to learn in succession.

The thing is that not all skills are made equal in music. 

If you try to sing a really complex piece of music or a song that you know you can’t sing yet, you quill quickly find that it’s quite impossible for you to do it. 

But if someone comes along with experience and tells you that prior to playing this complex piece you have to sit down and understand the basics and make your way up to that piece, you would understand why and above all HOW to get to that level.

That is precisely the reason I believe that in-person classes while as good as they may be because of how expensive they are online courses are better in every regard.

With online courses, you can go back and remind and understand the principle over and over again until it is completely understood by you. 

Not only that they allow you to see how a technique is performed so that you are able to replicate it at home at whatever time that you want. 

So, I have written an article on why I believe that the way to learn singing is through online courses and you can read it here.

Why Consistency is Important

But one thing you have to keep in mind before I end this article is that you have to be consistent with your progress and you must realize that everyone moves at a different speed. 

If you have a strength in one area, you will have weaknesses in another and that’s fine. That is what practice is about finding out your weaknesses by looking at those courses online again and again and again and practicing them again and again and again so that you can overcome your weaknesses in your craft.

If you didn’t have any weaknesses at all there would be no need to practice. So get used to it. Set in, understand what you need to practice, and give in to it because the sooner you realize that hard work is required for practice and how much you can reap the rewards from practice the sooner you start becoming good at singing.

Learn to Sing from Online Courses 

The only way to make progress in singing is through deliberate and consistent practice. If you’re not doing either, you’re missing out. 

But as mentioned above, I think it would be amiss if I didn’t tell you which course I own for myself.

The Four Pillars of Singing’, is the one that you ought to have and something that you should strive to get. It is taught by Robert Lunte and he’s a great teacher.

Check out all of his courses here.

Whatever you end up deciding, never forget to practice and keep on getting better!


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