Can Braces Change Your Singing Voice?

So you’re wondering if getting braces will change your singing voice? I think the answer is going to please you very much and it’s going to make you smile from ear to ear so much that you’d forget about your braces.

Braces will not change your singing voice. The ability you have to sing well lies in the technique you use and how much you’ve practiced. Having braces or not will not affect your singing voice. Knowledge of singing and discipline of practice will make sure you are able to sing regardless of your braces.

So, are you aware of everything else that you need to do to make yourself sound good when you sing? If this is the first time you’ve heard that technique is important in singing, you’re in for a ride!

A Word on Technique

I have written quite extensively on the topic of technique on this website.

I believe that it is quite important for singers who are reviewing questions like these to understand the importance of technique first and foremost.

It’s always going to be beneficial for you to be aware of what technique is what it can do for you and why it’s so important in music.

Because upon understanding the system within which technique and singing operate answers most of the future questions and the one that is before us as well.

Essentially, technique is how you make a sound in music. That technique can be applied to anything whether it’s the piano or the guitar. Although you need two different techniques to get the sound out of them.

The same is true for singing.

And the way that it ties with braces is if you learn how to sing well.

And the way that you learn how to sing well is through practice

With or without braces, that is a far lesser question that needs to be solved than how much and how well you’ve practiced.

If you’ve mastered the technique of breathwork, would it matter if you had braces or not? It wouldn’t.

If you knew how to sing a particular scale and could do it before you had braces would you be able to do it after you got braces? Yes.

If you didn’t know how to sing but you’re willing to practice while you have braces on, would it be possible? Absolutely.

If you had good singing posture would it be ruined if you got braces? It wouldn’t.

If you’ve mastered the techniques required of you to sing then your ability to reproduce them consistently is more important than your having braces.

How to Master Technique

You might ask, “How does one master technique sensei?”

I will teach you young one, who is hungry for knowledge.

A Word of Caution

If you pick up a  bad technique then it’s going to hamper your progress and your ability to sing.

I will give you a personal example, I was self-taught on the bass guitar and when I was a teenager I was positioning my left hand quite poorly to the point that it started to hurt.

I immediately knew I needed help. Then I came across someone who taught me how to hold the neck of the bass the proper way and my pain never came back.

You need someone to show you the correct way to sing and even the simplest of techniques so you won’t pick up the wrong one, to begin with.

But because I had picked up this technique, I had to unlearn it and then learn the correct way to do things.

It required a double correction.

First, I went wrong.

Second, then I realized I was doing something wrong.

Third, I had to relearn something that I should’ve learned in the first go.

So, you get the idea, you need someone to teach you the correct way to sing. I believe that it’s best done through online courses. I haven’t just written about their importance but also they can help you in every other way.

If you’d like to know the specific courses that I recommend to people then this page is the right one for you.

So, believe me, it doesn’t matter if you have braces or not. You need to have the correct technique. All that matters is that you’re willing to work on it and strive to become better.

And yes, just doing even 30 minutes of practice will result in consistent growth in your singing.

Technique is Permanent

This needs to be said so I will say it, technique is permanent.

In simple terms, once you’ve understood and practiced it, this technique is yours to rely on on all occasions. There will eventually come a time when you don’t even think about it anymore and you just do.

At first, there is going to be a lot of friction because the motion is new. Then as time goes by you will find that the more you’ve solidified the technique that you’ve been practicing, it will allow the new technique to become familiar and find its roots in you.

You must’ve noticed that there are some songs that you just know the lyrics of and can sing along to perfectly even after years. Because you sang them so many times over that instead of just being in your memory they actually became a part of you.

That’s the shortest answer to becoming a master of something.

You take these techniques and you practice them until they become a part of you. You master these techniques individually and you will have mastered singing by allowing you to do multiple techniques at once.

So, if you’ve mastered how to do your breathwork properly and your pose, those are things you’re already doing together in order to sing well. 

Keep adding to this list the things you can do and you will have mastered them quite well.

What is Practice?

So, what’s the end goal of practice?

To do something over and over again until you don’t have to do it anymore. So that’s the end goal of practice. I don’t believe in perpetually working on singing until you’re 60 but rather in knowing what you want to get good at and knowing which things you ought to practice so you aid your goals.

So, once you’ve mastered the right technique it’s yours to keep.

Knowledge of Singing

The more you do it the more knowledgeable you become about singing and music.

The more you practice, the more you read articles like these the better informed you are to make better decisions for yourself when it comes to music and singing in general.

Another reason why you need to have an online course is that it will expose you to how to sing properly and all the various singing techniques that are out there for you. All for you to absorb and become better.

It’s kind of beautiful.

With or Without Braces

If you can’t sing with braces then not having them won’t matter much. It had to be said.

What you’ve just read is the fundamental idea behind not just how singing works but also how you can improve yourself as a singer.

So if you’re not willing to spend the time that is required of you to become good at singing by practicing the correct technique you will not be good at them regardless of braces or not.

So, learn from the best, which in my opinion is through online courses and practice really hard.

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