Can I Become a Singer in Three Years?

Three years? Is it a good enough time to become good at singing? Or do you need more than this lifetime to become better at it?

Three years is ample enough time to get good at singing. Not just on an amateur level but getting close to the pro level. It’s possible but in order to become that you must have the correct knowledge and a solid practice routine.

I am not joking. I may not be trying to reach the title of the best singer in the world but I have definitely made my singing come lightyears ahead in just about three years’ time. 


I have written extensively on how just practicing 30 minutes a day can really help you. You can read about it here.

But just to confirm everything you can definitely become a really proficient singer in the span of three years.  If you practice deliberately for 30 minutes a day, from Monday to Friday for three consecutive years there is no way that you will not be decent at singing.

Three Years is Good Enough for Anything!

And that’s true for everything. If you would like to learn mathematics or any other subject you know nothing of and you practiced or studied that subject for 30 minutes a day from Monday till Friday for three years you will realize the power of compound learning. 

Each day you learn something about it or you improve upon something you already knew. The best part about learning how to sing is that once you master the basics of it, there is little to no chance of you forgetting it.  

The reason for nailing those basics down is for you to be able to break down complex structures and copy them for yourself to use. In the other context, when you’re composing having this prior knowledge will help you compose your own lyrics and sing them beautifully. 

1-2-3 How to Make it Count

You are wondering how can someone plan their singing journey for 3 years.  To that, I say that you need to have a deliberate practice routine and you also need to understand that people have figured singing out and teaching people as their livelihood. You need to trust them.

In another article I wrote about why online singing courses are the best, you can read them here. The reason that I suggest online courses is because if you are trying to get better and you have a time span of more than a year then you will benefit tremendously from online courses. Like a lot.

Take each element of the online course and take your own time to master it. If you do that at the end of three years you will be very close to being a master, not just of the basics but everything that course teaches and that means that anything related to singing that is thrown at you, you will be able to do!

You’ll be able to break it down into the elements and be able to perform whatever you want to perform.

But that’s the knowledge part and there is a huge difference in putting it into action. I said you can be a master of this craft but it needs to come with not just knowing but practicing it! Not just any practice but deliberate practice.

Deliberate Practice

How do you know what to practice? What is this secret knowledge that I speak of that will take your singing to the next level?

To tell you directly, practice your techniques so that you are able to sound the way that you want to sound.  I think it is important for me to clarify what a technique is in terms of music.

Technique generally means how you do something to get a certain result. In any given song you’ll employ more than one technique.

Musicians are masters of technique. Techniques are used to create sounds.

Guitarists use their fingers to create sound. But they also use plectrums to do the same.  However, for singers, the story is a bit different we cannot use plectrums on our necks. Unless you have an itch.

What techniques do singers practice?

Singing from the chest of the head voice is one of them. Being able to expand your vocal range to the maximum and having different face structures so that you are able to make something sound a certain way.

So all the knowledge that you learn from an online course will be applied in practice in the next three years. 

So, practicing with the right knowledge for the next three years is going to make you not just any singer but a really good one given that you really stick to your habit of practicing.  

Adding to this, I think you should really consider reading the book called Atomic Habits by James Clear which is going to help you tremendously to find the correct way not just to practice but to live a far more deliberate life. But whatever you do the most important thing is…..

Fast Forward Your Progress

If you’d like to really see yourself improve on your ability to sing in the years to come then you should really think hard and fast about online courses. Even if you don’t follow my advice on which course to buy you should think about it regardless.

To that point, I have spoken and written about their importance in this article here.

You’d find my recommendations for courses and the one I personally own on this page that I’ve made for you, here.

All in all, if you see yourself getting better in the coming years and would like to know what to practice and how to practice an online course is going to be more than necessary.

Enjoy your lessons!

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