Can Singers Do Circular Breathing?

Singers can do circular breathing but you’d not be surprised to know that singers may not actually need it.

Singers don’t need circular breathing in order to develop a great singing voice. Circular breathing may help singers in other areas of music but it is NOT required at all for singing. Instead putting efforts into practicing other skills related to music would result in a far better investment of your time.

There lies the truth. Of course, whether you want to learn for other purposes (other instruments) lies completely on you but for the limits of the topic and for simplicity’s sake you don’t need circular breathing for singing. Ahead lies more detailed reasoning on why you shouldn’t bother with circular breathing as a skill and what else you can do instead.

Let’s begin.

A Question That Doesn’t Need Answering

Singers don’t need circular breathing to be able to sing. Just making sure that it’s out of the way for each and every one of us.

This is one of those questions that pop up when you’re really curious if the possibility of it could exist and be made practical. There is nothing wrong with it, you can only become more knowledgeable when you ask questions and especially questions like these.

Well, in this case, it really won’t make sense. For a very long time now people have learned and taught how to sing without circular breathing. That goes to prove that it’s not a necessity in order to sing well.

It would not guarantee quality either. In order to perfectly sing your singing part, you must think about how long the phrase is and plan your breathing either accordingly or take a breath in-between phrases. 

Again, something that is totally acceptable in singing and something you will eventually develop.

What’s a Better Question?

A better question may be, what breathing technique, if not circular breathing helps people to sing? Because for the most part, if it is just a question we’re pondering on, shouldn’t we first think about which technique serves us to make us better singers? Given that singing is one of the oldest forms of music being taught, a lot of credit has to be given to the fact that circular breathing is missing prominently from almost all teachings.

So, it must be understood that the fact that it is missing and also the fact that most prominent singers from every era don’t raise the question of whether circular breathing is even a thing, we have to assume that the current way of teaching and singing with regular breathing methods, is the best technique we have.

So what should one practice instead?

Technique is King

A technique is required to make a sound. It’s the method itself. All musicians are masters of their specific techniques. Though musical knowledge is universal, techniques however are not. The better your ability to stand correctly and breathe and your mouth posture, the better you will sing. 

So, it is almost ten times better for you to learn these said techniques and become masters of them. These are the things that will make you a master of singing.

And therein relies on reality. Time is better spent learning and becoming a master of already established, tried, and true techniques to sing rather than learning how to do circular breathing.

It’s just not that effective.

However, if you ever thought of picking up a wind instrument, the story would be otherwise. In that case, this technique of circular breathing would prove not to be highly effective but would put you closer to what professionals do. 

Context is key and in the context of singing, circular breathing is not necessary.

Focus on Getting Better

This whole website is based on getting you to sing better. One of the primary ways I have done that is by writing posts like these. Why online courses are the way to go for most people.

You can actually start focusing on getting better from day one. The primary argument is about money and time. The amount it would cost you to take private classes and then you’d have to be there at a specific time to attend them.

How limiting it is to live life like that. You have the internet and now we can easily learn whatever we want to and it is a gift to be able to do that. If you’re serious about getting better at singing (which I personally have through online courses) then I think you’ve found yourself in the correct place. 

Why Is It Important For You?

For whatever reasons you may find yourself wanting to learn to sing or do circular breathing, remember that its value will only be cherished the highest by you.

If it doesn’t make you happy, chances are it won’t matter much if it does to others or not. I love to compose and I love to sing my own songs and record them and whatnot. This website is here to help you in understanding and guide people in the right direction.

But, for the most part, the better you sing the more you will enjoy it. It’s like mastery over something. It’s possible to learn how to sing regardless of your age, gender, or any other barrier. So…

How to Learn to Sing?

I 100% believe that online courses are going to change the way that you’ve learned singing and make it easier for you to learn things that you never thought you could before. There are tons of courses out there but I do believe in investing in a quality course, once.

The importance of online courses is outlined here in great detail.

The other side of it is obviously which course are you willing to buy and how much do they cost? What are they about and what can you get for the price they’re asking? I got you covered, check this page out dedicated and made for only the readers of this website!

All the best and never stop learning or growing in music!

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