There are many myths related to singing and music in general. Often the most effective advice is the one that is simple.
Having the ability to break glass through is not something anyone ought to learn singing for. It may be possible for those who train for it but its roots are not found in good sense or in the act of learning to sing.
This website focuses on how you ought to go about singing with the right mindset and knowledge. Let’s read on ahead!
It Doesn’t Matter
The first thing that you have to ask yourself is why is this a question?
Because in reality whether you are able to sing or not it really does not matter if you are able to break the glass.
Your abilities and the things that you are working towards and especially all the things that you practice in singing – never the end goal is of breaking the glass by voice.
So no matter what you do or how much you practice or anything, it really does not matter if your singing has the ability to break the glass. Plus, I am pretty sure most of it was staged at certain times as well.
The Idea of Singing
The idea of singing is not to achieve breaking objects. The idea of singing is to be able to use techniques to be able to create sounds from your vocal cords so that they may sound amazing to other people and yourself.
You learn to sing so that you are able to control it to the degree that you can sing high, you can sing low and sing in various forms and your breath work is on point, and so that all of these things combined that you have learned and practiced come together and you are able to give one final performance. Even if it’s practice day.
And, it is tough. It is tough to get to that level because it requires perseverance and a lot of practice. But the idea of singing is never to break a glass through voice. And that precisely is the issue. You need to be aware of your end goal, regardless of whether you’re practicing or not.
So, yes opera singers might be able to do that they are able to sing at such a high frequency and with a such powerful force that they can eliminate and can shatter a glass.
But that is not the point of the majority of the people who will want to sing. And, it is just a gimmick in my opinion. Yes, wow you are able to break a glass through your voice; you must have practiced really hard for it and now you are able to achieve it. But, at the same time, it’s kind of useless and it does not get you anywhere.
So that kind of end goal, that’s where you are fooling yourself. And, it takes away from the fact that singing is meant to be enjoyed. If you are so bothered about whether you are not able to do something, which is as I said before the end goal is not, then learning to sing is going to be a very heavy task for you and a disappointing one because you will soon realize that you don’t even come close to breaking glass in the actual world of singing. But, this website is not about that.
This website is a lot about other things and teaching people how to go about learning how to sing through online courses and I have written extensively about it here.
And the end goal of this website is that people will come here and read the articles and be educated on how things are done. Which path should they take from here on out? And if you have come here looking for the answer to whether or not singing can break the glass then you have come to the wrong place because I am not going to tell you that you should even practice that.
I want to tell you that it is a useless skill and there is no need to focus on that. But if you do pull it off, I’d be highly impressed. Very impressed.
Where Your Focus Ought to Be
The majority of your focus should be somewhere else.
Your focus should be on practicing and getting better and how to increase your stage presence and find a band, which college to choose (if you want to), and how to do various other things that are actually required of singers in real life.
Not in the fantasy world where we are breaking glass.
And, increasing your vocal range even though it takes quite a while to get there. But it’s a highly useful skill.
You will never reach a point or you should not strive to reach a point in which you can confidently say that you can break the glass. You should be aiming for the goal that yes you practiced and now you can successfully sing an octave above what you did before or below.
That is the kind of goal that you should set for yourself. Because other than that, music is not going to be fun. And, especially singing. It’s like saying “Can I make a tone that will make people cry on the guitar”. You can but striving for it won’t lead you anywhere.
And that is precisely the issue with most things where if the end goal is justified (like practicing posture) and it is correct (in the eyes of skills that you ought to learn) then I believe you will be able to do anything that you want.
Learn to Sing – Now
One of the more effective things you do for yourself is to learn how to sing, from an online course.
I have covered it here, very extensively and you can go through it on your own.
But, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the best online course out there and you should definitely try it out. It’s going to take you a while for you to go through everything.
It is by Robert Lunte, a very well-known teacher now and you will also get a book along with your purchase. There are a lot of courses by him and you can check them out here.
You’re all set now, feel free to read through my other articles, and don’t forget to practice!