This is like talking about talent all over again. It doesn’t really matter and you’re not limited to the range that you were born with but the right understanding will go a long way to improving yourself.
The singing range can 100% be improved through deliberate practice and understanding how music theory works. The combination of two things will allow singers to not just improve their range but also to sing songs in their original key. A singer with a broad singing range is always a preference.
But then that begs the question of how one might be able to do it. The specifics of these are talked about below and by the end of this article you will have a robust understanding of how to improve your range.
How to Improve Your Range
Practice is the only thing that will allow you to improve your singing range.
When you’re serious and deliberate in your approach, you will know exactly how to do it.
But before we begin we need to understand a few things to start improving your singing range.
Firstly, what is your current singing range?
As you can imagine knowing where we are starting from will allow us to know where we should start to go. Once you know what your current limitations are then we need to understand the system we’re working within.
Second, is music theory.
If you don’t understand how notes are classified and how and why they are named so then your ability to make sense of range is highly handicapped.
It is only when we understand what notes and how they work in conjunction with each other that we’ll be able to classify and then improve upon what they are.
Once these two things are understood, that’s when we start applying them to our advantage and start to improve our range along with the right techniques of singing.
Slowly and with perseverance you will be able to become better by improving your range. It’s quite a simple thing, to the point that I don’t even recommend that you make improving your range your primary focus, it should be a secondary one.
Even if you’re just practicing 30 minutes a day, I suggest giving 5-10 minutes to improve your range.
The best part of doing something like this is that once you reach a certain point in your practice where you’ve extended your range, there is no longer a need to practice it but just to maintain it.
The way that you master it is by just practicing every day for it.
Why You Need to Improve Your Range
Simply the reason that you should try to improve your range is the sheer fact that every singer needs to work on their range.
If you stick to your natural range then it’s not going to be adequate enough. You need to work on it so that you are able to sing more (higher and lower notes) and better than before.
That is the main idea of practicing as a singer because you need to get better and if you weren’t as good before and you have to try to get better and that is the need for practicing for all musicians.
That’s what we strive for.
When we practice something we get better at it and we become able to do something that we always thought we ought to be able to do and this is something we all strive for.
The bigger your range is the better you’ll be able to perform. The more songs you’re able to cover in their original key. The more you’ll be able to push yourself and see how far you can take it.
It’s almost always looked highly on for singers if they have a really big singing range. And that is especially true if singers are able to sing high notes with clarity. It’s genuinely a hard thing to do.
And that’s why every singer needs to work on their range (and technique) so that they’re able to do a lot more with their voice.
Develop Yourself as a Whole
I firmly believe that knowing and understanding singing and even music as a whole gives you a lot of perspective into what you are (as a singer and musician) and how you can push yourself forward.
One of the best ways to learn how to sing is through online courses and I can’t emphasize their importance enough. To that end, I have written about their importance in this article here.
As I suggested earlier, you can’t expect to improve your range just as it is you need to do it in conjunction with other skills. For that, you must learn how to sing as a whole. Any other alternative would not work.
I suggest you check out this page in which I list which online course is going to get you to become a better singer in no time.
I also believe that learning the things provided in the courses is going to allow you to reach a level of singing that you didn’t think was possible on your end.
What You Can Do With It
There is so much you can do with an extended range but by far the most impressive thing that you’ll be able to do is sing every song you encounter in its original key.
Back to the point when I said you need to practice improving your range along with developing your singing as a whole, this will allow you to master singing high notes with power and clarity.
Which if you ask me, are what singers ought to be striving for. The ultimate control over voice isn’t just singing high notes but how you sing them as well. The more you practice both things the more things you’ll be able to do with them.