Can You Become Better at Singing if You’re Bad?

The answer you are about to read is what I believe to be true, I have experienced this for myself as I picked up singing after I had been playing bass guitar for years.

You can improve your singing even if you think you sing badly. Learning how to sing has to do with understanding how singing techniques are performed and putting consistent efforts into your practice. These two things together will take you from not being able to sing to being to show and even teach other people how to sing.

Before we begin I would like to take what I’ve written next to heart, there’s nothing wrong with you if you’re not able to sing yet. It’s a matter of understanding things.

So, You’re Bad at Singing?

Guess what? So is everyone else.

Very rarely people are born with the talent to sing but that is not necessary to become successful at it and I humbly believe that hard work and consistency trump talent any day of the week.

You have to start somewhere, and in many others articles, I have said that the beginning phase of anything is easy enough to master, it is difficult to master singing but in that sense, you have to stick to your consistency over longer periods of time.

But not for learning the basics the farther you want to go the farther you have to stick with it.

So, congratulation to you for coming to seek help to understand if you can sing better. You 100% can.

I believe in you.

Good Instruction

I think it is very important to emphasize good instruction and what good documented courses and lessons can do for you while you just sit and absorb the knowledge and understand how singing is done and what it is made up of.

To that end, I have provided resources at the end of the article but please try to read through it all the way to the end. Needless to say that I have with or without any need to conform to a particular course, I do believe in learning online whether it is buying a book for my kindle or buying a course on Udemy. 

How It’s Done

If you don’t know something then you’re just a click away from understanding what’s it all about, from correcting people’s pronunciation to knowing a fact about history, we’re all tapped in for the better or the worse.

But therein lies the dangers of it as well, certain answers such as knowing which singing course is the best for us or if the practices provided within a certain course need to be the best buck for our time and money whilst it teaches us how to sing.

So, knowing how a course is done matters a lot and what it teaches you needs to be thorough so that you are not wasting your time when it first begins.

Why Online Courses are Better

They save you time, money, and the barrier of entry is open to all, what you do with it is all upto you and no one else. While that much self-responsibility may scare people you also get the credit for learning and showing your skills once you’ve mastered them.

Every once in a while, when I find myself thinking, I am almost always amazed when the realization sets in of how easy it is for people to learn anything these days.

Regardless of how bad you may be at singing, it is my belief that learning to sing is just something anyone can do with the right mindset and how they think about it.

You learn by starting to practice it, you make sure the quality of your practice is tight and try to avoid learning bad techniques and you will almost most certainly improve at a steady rate. Singing included.

Your age and your intelligence don’t matter. 

If you don’t understand something in the first go, which I hope you won’t you can always watch the lesson again until you feel you’re comfortable in your understanding of what is being taught. 


Practicing works on your understanding of singing and time.

Time is something of an odd thing when it comes to a creative field.

The biggest regret people have is not taking a creative endeavor they always wanted to, they could’ve gone by with a little less money but they sure wish they would’ve spent that time learning a skill.

While age is really no factor for you to consider, I would strongly recommend starting soon, but starting small. The idea behind that is simple.

Time is limited.

Even your day-to-day life is limited by time and wasting it not learning something that you really want to is a waste of time itself. There’s your daily dose of philosophy.

The idea behind putting in the time to get results is simple. You make time for practice even if it is a small amount and you end up getting results from it.

The idea is to start with a time commitment you can do on a consistent basis rather than something you do every weekend. The gains you get from doing it every day are more beneficial than it is from doing bursts of practice.

Remember, consistent practice is better for your singing.

Follow This to Become Great

Get a really good online course for you to learn from.

Get knowledgeable about singing from reading articles like these to get a general idea of what and how things should be and get educated about how to sing specific things from lessons.

Trust in yourself and believe that you will get better, there is nothing that is going to stop you from learning how to sing if you’re determined to learn to sing.

They’re no bad singers just those who haven’t been taught well.

Time to Become Better

So now you are aware that you can become better at singing and you have the right origin of mindset in order to understand the things that create your success in music.

I would like to take a pause here and tell you where you can sing from, the idea is through an online course.

And the particular course is, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’. There is also a particular page that I’ve made just for you to decide which course you can buy, you can read about it here.

But Robert Lunte has a lot more to offer than that, and here is the list of all the courses.

I wish that you will end up learning everything there is to learn and I hope this website helped you out.

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