Can You Get a Scholarship for Singing?

Oh, to be young and free and think about the next exciting chapter of your life and see if you’re cut out for the competition. Are you ready to begin?

You can get a scholarship for singing. The most determining factor is going to be your ability to sing but equally important is your knowledge about scholarship criteria and what you need to do in order for you to get them. Seeking advice on this from the college and advancing your singing skills until your interview is paramount.

Don’t take any of this lightly, now’s not the time to relax, remember if you’re applying then so are other people and you need to act like this is competition. Because it is.

You Have to Be Exceptional

Let’s be honest here, they aren’t handing out scholarships to everyone and most of the people you meet in college won’t be on one either.

You must be exceptional in some way or another to be awarded a scholarship for singing. 

Try for Yourself

If you’re not sure if you’ll get a scholarship but you at least know that you are a pretty good singer, try for it. What’s the worse they can do to you? Not give you the scholarship?

But, I understand that when you’re reading this you’re probably under 20 and there is a lot of doubt when it comes to knowing yourself and especially gauging if you’re good enough for a scholarship, that’s why I encourage you to try your best regardless.

This isn’t some ‘you can’t be disappointed if you don’t expect’ kind of thing, this is more like making you understand that the time to try risky things is now. 

You must at least try.

Are You Exceptional?

Want to know a secret?

Nobody is expecting you to be a master of anything when you go in for a college audition, they are however expecting that you have great potential which you show through your skills but not perfection.

So keep that in mind but you need to be exceptional and better than others on some level. To say that you need to be doing music way before you enter college isn’t even a joke, you have to. Because people who have applied to music colleges have been doing music way before they started college.

So that’s a pre-requisite because you need to have prior knowledge to show and act on in your interviews, if you’ve started learning music three years before your interview, chances are slim.

So, you must be exceptional and you need to have on some level a high degree of mentorship over you to guide you through this as well.

My Scholarship Story

What I’m about to say is going to blow your mind away, I too was a scholarship student at Berklee College of Music. 

I don’t like college and it didn’t pan out the way that I hoped it would. Now I have not just made peace with it but actually moved to realize that I don’t need college or anything else to enjoy music.

I am currently recording my own album and have focused on things related to music and how to make some money online while pursuing another creative field, 3D animation. It’s amazing. Wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Don’t take it too seriously, it’s just college but it’s your life, treat your life more seriously than going to some fancy college you can’t afford. If you get a scholarship good, but if you don’t, let it go there are at least half a million other ways you can enjoy your life.

Check Everything and Then Some

Alright, now, I don’t want you to read this article two-three months prior or I hope you’re not doing it. I really want you to be thorough with your research.

That means calling up colleges, emailing them, and asking if you can speak to someone who can guide you to the best way to get a scholarship.

I don’t care if they are not responding well to you when you call or when you email you have to make sure you know everything. By that I mean you must be aware of which scholarship you’re going to apply for and what is the criteria for it.

Yes, don’t be surprised to know how many scholarships a college can provide and how many you may be eligible for. You also need to keep in mind the final dates of every scholarship and what they require you to do in order for you to be eligible for it.

Don’t Start Too Late

If your mind is set on going to college then I wholeheartedly support you but don’t start too late!

Including your practice, your forms, your deadlines, and even which and how many scholarships you’re applying to. In-house or external scholarships too. However, I have no idea about external scholarships.

You’re probably turning into an adult and now it is time for you to start managing your own stuff and it starts here. All the best with whatever you plan to do and I hope you get a scholarship for your hard work!

But the most important part that you’ll need will be…

You Ought to Be Able to Sing

Nothing is going to determine how much and what kind of scholarship you’re going to get if you’re not able to sing.

On this website, I guide people by making them believe why online courses are better, if you want to improve not just at your own pace but in a way that is really effective, I really suggest an online course.

After this, you’re going to see resources that will help you learn how to sing.

There are other articles written on various topics and something that you should keep in mind regardless of where you find yourself in your musical journey.

Improve Your Chances

The only thing that matters the most is your ability to sing and you shall sing!

I am a big believer in online courses and I would like to point you to this article that I have written.

Another thing I would like to tell you before you go is that you ought to have at least one online course and if you had to pick one, I would suggest this one. ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’.

There are a lot of courses that are provided by Robert Lunte. You can check all of them out here.

I hope you get whatever you’re striving for and I know you will be a great singer one day!

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