Can You Get Good at Singing?

Can anyone get good at singing? Isn’t it a talent? The answer is going to surprise you but best of all it’s going to leave you more aware and knowledgeable about singing and music as well. So, let’s read.

You can definitely get good at singing. With the correct lessons and the right knowledge, you can start getting good at singing at a decent pace. Give yourself ample time to practice and I assure you, you will get better at singing.

But, that’s not all. Let’s read on ahead to understand what makes getting better at singing a mystery and how we can solve it!

What This Website Can Do For You

Across this whole website, you will find not just motivation but actual practical steps that will help you get good at singing. And I have written extensively on other topics covering whether or not singing is a talent and whether can it be learned.

But to dismiss the mystery right here and right now, so that you will read this article with the correct mindset. Yes, it is 100% possible for anyone to get good at singing. 

Anyone who has the correct knowledge and a little bit of time on their hands can get good at singing without a doubt.

So what this website can do for you? 

It can provide you with the resources and the correct framework for you to go through your singing career.

But, sometimes we create biases for ourselves that we are not capable of doing something and the longer we hold ourselves in that mental prison the more that ideology becomes a reality in our heads.

So the first thing we need to do in order to break this method that singing can only be inherited is we have to look at other disciplines.

What We Can Learn From Other Disciplines

The one that I really like the most to compare something to is sports.

If imagine, you were to take up a sport, for example – cycling. You started cycling 10 minutes a day. And then three months later you cycle 20 minutes a day. And then three months later you cycle 30 minutes a day. 

And by the end of a full year, you are capable of cycling 40 minutes without a break.

The funny part is that nobody is going to question this logic.

None of you will come and say that’s a controversy, that cycling is innate and it’s a talent and that if you walk towards it there is no way to tell that it was hard work; that it made you go from cycling from 10 minutes to 40 minutes.

Then why do we have such a bias toward learning how to sing?

I really don’t know. 

Singing, like cycling, is a skill. If you’ve never picked up singing or if you have done it without proper lessons, a proper curriculum, and a proper course then of course your progress in this field is going to be hampered; just like anything else.

If you tried to cycle in a professional marathon. In the first month of your starting to cycle. Would you be able to complete it? No! You simply wouldn’t be able to do it. 

The same is with singing. You have to start from the basics, learn the basics and solidify them and then move on to harder things. And as I said, if you are a beginner then there really is no way for you to become any worse. 

The only thing that can happen to you by taking up online singing lessons or in person is that will only become better.

It is the same thing, just phrased differently than what I said before. You cycle 10 minutes and then by the end of the year you can probably cycle 40 minutes.

 So is the case with singing. You start with 10 minutes of practice and by the end of this year or the end of a year, you will be able to not only just be able to practice more but actually sing better than you did before.

And now when we see singing and practice in this light, we somehow don’t believe in the original question that we asked ourselves.

Can we get good at singing?

Of course, we can. And if you are starting at the bottom of the barrel, there is no way but to go up.

Why Lessons Are Important

Just like I compared singing to sports, I am going to tell you a personal story; about how I learned 3D animation and how to fix motorcycles through courses.

I knew nothing about them. So I studied them and I learned as a good student does. And with time and after a lot of mistakes, I learned. I loved and started applying those lessons in my day-to-day life. 

And after doing that for a couple of years, now I am reaping the rewards. Now I don’t have to look at every step of the way when I am fixing my motorcycle or 3D animation either. I just hop in and I do it. It has almost become second nature to me.

So the idea behind this was to prove to you that you really can get good at singing and sometimes you just need a different perspective and especially comparison to bring us in the right frame set of mind so that we are able to put ourselves through practice. And finally, sit down and stop giving excuses and start becoming a better singer.

Learning to Sing

So you now understand why lessons are important and I will take it a step further and give you the tools and courses you will need to make this work. 

First, read this article to understand why online courses are the way to go.

Second, here’s the course. ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte and here are all the courses by him.

I believe in it because I have the same course as well. I would like you to see the same success with your singing as I have seen in mine!

Grind through deliberate practice and become a great singer!

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