What I am about to tell you might blow your mind or it may not but I think you might enjoy the read either way because we tell ourselves so many things that we don’t want to believe in. I hope that by the end of this article you will be able to change your mind.
You can take singing lessons at any age. The only thing you ought to consider when you’re taking singing lessons is establishing a good practice routine and someone to teach you the correct things that will educate you in your endeavors.
Those are true words. I honestly believe that singing or music can be learned at any age.
One of the things that I like to repeat on this website again and again and over and over again so that people understand it is simply that – it doesn’t matter what age you are when you take singing lessons.
It absolutely doesn’t matter.
My job is not only just to tell you that it doesn’t matter but how to get better at it as well.
The analogy I use is quite simple. If you are trying to get somewhere from point A to point B where you’re going to meet someone, you can’t just go out and fool around.
If I am going to take random steps then I ‘hope’ that I will reach them. No, the only way I can reach them is if I know which path to take or if I take a pre-made road to their address. This logic is obviously irrefutable.
What you are essentially asking me is how old can you be when you take these steps and whether you still reach your destination. The answer to that is if you take these steps you will absolutely reach that place.
It doesn’t matter if a 5-year-old child or a 50-year-old woman takes the same route. What matters is that they start their journey and finish it. It really doesn’t matter how old you are when it comes to this, especially towards music.
I usually am a skeptic and I don’t really believe in hopeful things, but when you think about it in all things practical, all the basic elements that come together to make music happen can be done by anyone.
For example – ear training, music theory, and consistent practice are all things that can be done by anyone at any age.
Of course, I understand that old people lose their hearing and it can be hard for them to distinguish sounds after a certain age.
But for the majority of people even if you start at the age of 50, 55, or even 60 I believe that with the correct path one can get better at singing regardless of age.
Lessons Come in Two Flavours
And speaking of this path is what you are going to follow so that you become a better singer and in reality, you can take two ways about this.
The first one is, of course, the traditional one where you go and meet the teacher. Now whether it is in a college or whether you do it privately but the instruction that they give you is going to be directed towards you and you will get personalized attention on all the things that you ought to work on. You will show them what you have worked on in a week and then come back to show them how much you practiced and how well you’ve improved.
There is nothing wrong with that. Let’s see an alternative.
As you become older, time becomes far more valuable than it was when you were younger. That is one of the things that online courses provide.
They provide you not just value for your time but also provide you value for the money. Most of the time we have to pay just a one-time fee so that you can have video courses to study for yourself and to be accessed at any time regardless of where you are in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
What that does for you is free up your schedule and whenever you can sit down and have a lesson wherever you want to.
That is just the scratching of the surface of what online courses can do for you. A really good teacher will take you not only from the beginning to the end but will show you how his technique is performed so that you are able to do things that actually make you better. Online courses can do that.
So in reality online courses are just a knowledge base for you and what you need to do with them is going to determine everything.
The most important thing that you ought to do once you get this knowledge is – practice, practice, practice, practice, and practice.
I have written an article on how much you ought to practice and the idea is simple.
It’s not enough to put in just time but to put the time to effective use.
The way you do that is simply by being more consistent with your practice rather than sitting on weekends and pulling a four-hour practice session.
I have written extensively about this in this article here, which you can go and read and have fun with.
Be Patient!
It brings us to the last point of this article, which is to be patient. Once you understand what you ought to do whether from an online course or from a person who is teaching you privately and you practiced, be consistent and be patient because it is the results that will show themselves.
We have to just believe that what we are practicing is right and that the results will eventually come.
A month or two months from now and the worst-case scenario maybe in three months, but you will be a better singer than you were before.
Get Better at Singing
So the best way for you to start learning how to sing right now is through online courses. You read about it more about why they’re important, here.
But for you, I would recommend ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ as the best course you can buy and start to become a better singer today!
Check out the whole list of courses available here.
Whatever you end up doing I know you will be successful in your singing career!