This is like talking about talent all over again. It doesn’t really matter and you’re not limited to the range that you were born with but the right understanding will go a long way to improving...
Category: Singing Demystified
So you want to know about the different types of singing? Then you’re at the right place but you’ll also have to understand a few other important things as well. The different types of singing...
Ever wondered what it takes to understand what a singing range is? Ever wondered what your singing range is? These are very important questions so let’s try to understand what it means. The...
Singing flat? Who told you that? Did you discover it yourself? Or, did someone else tell you? If it’s the latter then we need to fix this as soon as possible. Don’t worry it’s easier than you...
Do you ever get that weird feeling where you know you’re singing but your throat starts to feel like something’s grazing it? Yeah, I don’t think that’s the best way to go about...
A strong singing voice is something you should strive for and something I believe is possible for you to achieve regardless of where you may find yourself in your singing. Deliberate practice will...