Do Pianists Need to Sing?

What one needs is not what one wants and definitely what one doesn’t have. Is there even logic to instrumentalists learning how to sing? 

Pianists should definitely try to learn how to sing if they want to acquire not just one skill but many that come along with it. All the skills in music are interconnected and having them means you do something with the combination of them in another area of music. 

It’s obviously not that easy. There are many things you must consider, do you have the time to learn another thing? But, I break it down for you in this article. So, let’s begin.

They Don’t ‘Need’ to Do Anything Really

You don’t have to do anything really. You do it because you feel something is either going to aid you to achieve something or you see some novelty in learning a particular skill. No skill in music ever stands by itself,

Therein lies the solution. If you know what you want then you can map out your way how to get there. If you’re here to know if pianists ‘need’ to sing then you may never get an answer but this is the best online singing lessons blog. I try to help people as much as possible with my written word.

For this mystery to unravel we must first consider what is possible and what isn’t. The pros and cons. Only after that, we have done that, we can look at what kind of musician we wish to be and compare those pros and cons to that vision and make a decision if it is indeed something we really do ‘need’.

The Pros

In another article, I mentioned that pianists who sing have the advantage of being able to sing and get a boost in learning audio production as most audio production softwares enables them to record their piano by simply connecting it to the computer.

The added ability to sing allows them to have an edge in recording themselves which only leaves them to learn a bit of music production to polish their demos. Which for an all-rounded musician is always a good thing to have.

You become a better composer. If you know how to sing whilst playing the piano.

Is Singing Going to Help You?

You may have to dome introspection and look at yourself and realize what you want and how you’re going to do things because it’s definitely not going to happen without it.

If you think that singing is going to aid you in your musical journey then you ought to take it up. I am a very strong advocate of people who pursue music to become highly multi-skilled in their approach to everything that’s related to music.

That means learning how to sing, produce, and do other things. The reason for that is that all skills are interrelated and all of these are made to come alive when you’re trying to compose and do some production work.

If you don’t believe me then reason with me on this.

You take up piano playing and you start to sing. Good, people are watching and all that. Eventually in order to get some sort of social media recognition you have to post it somewhere, correct? 

So you have to learn how to upload your music. You are not going to upload something that sounds bad and it’s also going to be highly evident to you since you know what it’s supposed to sound like.

Now, at this point, if you’re a normal student of music you might think that relying on someone else is not going to be very economical. You’re right it’s not. Chances are that you have a laptop and that is more than enough to start your journey to start producing.

So you compose, mix and master your song (produce) and then you upload it.

How Singing Helps

You will be able to hear the nuances that make up a good melody. At first, you will hear it in the compositions of other people. Then you will start hearing it in yours.

Then you will take your composition and produce them and hopefully with you singing in them. All of this goes to show that learning how to sing is only going to help you. If you don’t find it a technical skill to master then it gives you at the very least the ability to have more creative control in everything that you aspire to do.

Where to Learn Singing From?

If you’ve decided that you want to learn singing, then I would like to invite you to read this article I’ve written that talks about why online singing courses are the way to go.

If you’re a student, hobbyist or even a professional having an online course is the best thing you can do to learn to sing. It’s affordable and comes packed with information.

As you can imagine, there are a lot of people who have actually made a lot of courses you can buy so my recommendation is this one because I own it myself. It’s called ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ and with this link (affiliate link), you will get the book included in your purchase.

There are other courses that target other and specific needs like learning how to do certain things and you check them all out here. I have also included the prices so that you don’t feel like you’re getting into something you wouldn’t like.

Try to stick through it because I found it to be a tad bit boring but, that was me being impatient with it. But, I stuck through it and made it work until I started to see my results.

The Cons

TLDR: there are none.

Finally, we are here to listen to all the cons that might be associated if a pianist learning to sing and in all honesty, there are none. 

I’ve never walked around in college or when I am about to record myself and thought to myself, huh, glad I don’t know how to sing. No, in reality, the actions that actually take place are, turning on my machine, starting my daw, placing the mic properly, and starting to record myself.

I always wish I could record in one take or if I sounded better if I could compose better never of ‘I wish I knew less of this’. 

For me, and even you would be hard-pressed to find reasons not to do it and especially knowing that singing lessons and courses are cheap compared to what it used to cost to get mastery in any arena of life.

The only you must bring to the table is your ability and willingness to learn and adapt. Beyond that, you don’t need much.

Have fun and I know you will succeed in your learning!

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