Do Singing Lessons Really Work?

Are singing lessons one of those things you even need? What if they don’t work? All are questions that are valid and I would ask you to be patient through this small article because we’re about to bust a myth!

Singing lessons work. They are dependent on the teacher’s ability to explain and show how techniques are performed and their ability to make you understand how it works. A good teacher is only as good as their student.

It’s true, if you’re willing to learn then finding the right teacher is not hard. But is that all? I don’t think so and I have another method that I believe is the norm now. You should really be aware of it.

Yes, They Do Work

Yes, singing lessons really work. I know that because I have taken them and I have seen improvement in myself and my singing because of that. And a lot has to do with having knowledgeable teachers and my dedication to my craft.

If you are here and you are reading this article then I assume that you are also serious about knowing whether or not singing lessons are really worth it.

Two Flavours

Singing lessons can really come in two flavors. 

Either you can be taught in person or you can be taught online, and as it is the norm these days- online courses are on the rise. And if you read any of the articles that I have written on this website, you will notice that there is a common theme among all of them that I highly promote having at least one online course in your library. 

And there’s a good reason for that. All the resources that you may need are provided at the end of the article.

Good vs. Bad Teachers

I think the first and the most important criterion to consider is if your teacher is really good at the actual teaching part.

It matters because there are really good performers who can’t explain how they perform their own techniques to other people and as a result, they are not as good of a teacher as you think they might be. 

So, you may end up finding a guru but a guru who can’t explain is a guru who can’t explain.

However, a good teacher not only is a master of the technique they are about to teach but they are able to explain it to you as well. They are able to make you sit down and make you understand how breath work for a certain phrase works and how you ought to think about it and when you make a mistake how you can do all the exercises that will improve upon that mistake.

A good teacher loves a developing student; not someone who’s already developed or someone who has no interest in developing at all but they love a developing student. 

A student who is willing to do the work and show up is far more valuable to a teacher than someone who already knows and doesn’t require any more attention.

And though good or bad teachers might be easily distinguished in real life, they are hard to do so online, or are they?

How to Find a Good Teacher Online

The best way to determine that you have a good teacher online is to see the reviews of what they are teaching and how many hours of content is there. 

If you are a complete beginner at singing and  I give you a 2-hour course that will take you from beginner to some amount of amateur level of singing do you think that is enough? It’s not.

What you really need is someone who has the course laid out, a promotion video that you can watch about the course they are offering, and then determine whether this person is willing to teach you with passion.

Online courses have that beauty of them that you can go and watch whatever you are struggling with as many times as you want to.  You can’t nag the teacher enough.

The second reason I say that online learning is better is because of its cost-effectiveness. Because it is cheaper for you to get and spend money online as they are perpetual lessons that you can have for life.

They Save You Time

And then is the idea of time. 

You need to put time into whatever you are not capable of doing at the moment. So singing lessons really ought to focus on saving you time because regardless of who you have as a teacher as long as you go to them and you get your time’s worth, you’ll keep coming back to that teacher because you think they are worth every penny.

These days, it’s hard to justify that. A lot of that also has to do with temperaments. Some people you can handle and some you can’t.

Technique Is King

One of the things that singers really need to focus on when they are first starting out or even when they become amateurs is to focus on technique. 

Technique is how you make a sound.

Of course, as you can imagine there are various ways to do this but your posture needs to be correct, your facial structure needs to be correct, and then you need to understand other aspects of music to do it correctly.

Because of all these moving parts that are always relying on each other to function well. Singing lessons really bring you the whole package. 

They teach you how to perform a technique, what you are to work on, and where you are lacking so that you can work on it and practice deliberately; so that you are able to overcome the challenges of singing and become a better singer with every practice session.

And I have written extensively on other subjects such as – Can you just get good at singing just by singing?

And now I think it is time to tell you what courses you can buy so that you are able to invest in yourself to become a better singer. 

But, Where Can You Learn to Sing?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

What and where is that one course that will allow you to master singing? I have the answer and I am not going to play around with it.

The Four Pillars of Singing’, is the best course that you can get for your money. Other courses may tell that you learn to sing in a short time, I am sorry but nothing worth having is ever achieved in a short while.

To support my reasoning, it is going to take you quite a while to get through this course and that’s a good thing. You will have lots of things to practice about.

There are other courses and you can find them all here.

Whatever you end up doing. I know you will succeed as long as you persevere! 

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