Can my teeth affect things if I don’t use them for chewing? This is going to be a fun myth to bust. I wonder what you’ll think by the end of this article but for now, if you’re concerned, let’s bite in!
If you don’t have a medical condition then your teeth don’t affect the way you sing. The only thing that’s affecting your singing is your own skills and how you practice. Both of these things are easily manageable if understood well.
But let me clear the air and allow me to explain how many other things don’t matter as much as you think it does.
Not Unless You Have a Medical Thing
Unless you have a medical condition that does not allow you to speak properly or your teeth get in the way of you sounding weird, then there is no way that teeth can affect your singing.
So if you speak correctly and people are able to understand you and you feel like you are speaking exactly fine then there is nothing to worry about.
You might feel a little bit weird when you are actually singing but believe me once you start practicing, then the whole idea of singing and the feeling of going through the practice of singing and the singing itself will disappear eventually.
The Techniques Matter More
What you ought to be focusing on the most when you know that your teeth don’t affect your normal voice or singing is techniques.
It is very easy for us to dismiss that we are not able to sing because of a certain hindrance in ourselves but in reality, the thing is we have not been taught the correct technique to produce the right sound.
For beginners, it would be quite a shock to know that when it comes to singing there are techniques and skills that they ought to learn in order to become better singers.
It is not something that is equal to speaking. You are able to just speak and people are able to understand and it sounds good to hear. We accommodated ourselves to understand speech in a very different way than we understand music.
For that, you can express yourself in music if you want to undertake and practice various skills; put them all together in various ways so that you are able to sound good and better.
Across this whole website, you will find various articles in which I’ve talked about how someone can practice and how much one should practice and a lot of it has to do with myth-busting as well, guiding people to have the correct mindset so that they are able to let go of certain beliefs that are ideal for limiting their own success.
And I believe having a certain type of ‘teeth’ will not deter me from trying to push you into practice hard and study your craft lane.
Sometimes we make excuses for ourselves, so we can believe that we don’t want to put in the time or the practice required to become better. But in reality, it is the people who do put in the time and effort that become successful in the endeavor that they are trying to pursue.
So if you sound fine then believe me as long as you practice with the correct attitude and the current knowledge base by putting in a consistent amount of time into practice then you are going to be fine and you’re going to progress at a decent pace with your singing capabilities.
Learn Learn Learn
Now we come to the most important part of singing.
It is practicing and learning.
These two things are going to make sure that you become a good singer regardless of where you are currently. It is upon these two things that hours of practice are piled up.
Without each other practice is barely practice and more of a pass-time you do when you’re bored. So, even if you have a little bit of time (30 minutes) then you should still strive to utilize those 30 minutes very effectively.
Regardless of what medium you choose, the one that I recommend on this website is the one that is the most effective both in terms of how much it costs and how much time it takes, and that is through online courses.
Online courses are all about saving money and getting the correct understanding of the techniques you’re about to learn. It doesn’t hurt to have one in your library, even though you may not use that actively, but something even you refer to once in a while just to start practicing things that you ought to practice.
And online courses do exactly that. So if you stick with it, even your teeth won’t be able to stop you from becoming a really good singer.
What You Can Find on This Website
That is not all.
Of course, at the end of the article, I’m gonna tell you which courses you can buy so that you are able to become a better singer but other than that the website itself can help you with various things that you ought to know.
Various other articles I have written I believe require people to have a mindset shift and the same is true for music theory as well as music production.
If you think these things are way too much then I would like to tell you very firmly that it is a myth. In order to survive as a musician, even as a hobbyist, you need to have more skills other than singing.
If you are trying to go professional then there are only benefits of learning more. Learning as I have told everywhere on this website and everywhere else is finite. Once you’ve understood something then it is a matter of exercising what you have learned.
It is like learning a language.
Once you have understood the vocabulary and grammar, the idea is to create an unlimited amount of sentences. The same is true with music.
You understand its grammar which is music theory and then you understand ear training of how it works and how it sounds. When you put them all together in practice, you become a really good singer.
Best Online Singing Courses
I hope I have shed some light on the fact that your teeth don’t matter and all the things that matter when you’re trying to get better at singing.
I am going to tell you about this article I wrote on why online courses are the way to go, here.
‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the course that you ought to buy and the one you should be looking forward to. The teacher, Robert Lunte is an amazing teacher and you can check out all the other courses right here.
Whatever you do, try to have at least one singing course in your library, until then, keep on singing!