One of the biggest things that happen to us is puberty but you might be surprised what and what doesn’t affect our singing, are you ready to put in time in what does?
You don’t sing better after puberty. The things that make good singing possible are your ability to sing with skill and proper technique. With or without puberty you must possess the ability to sing well. If you’ve never practiced singing properly with deliberate practice then even after puberty you will not be able to sing any better.
There you go, another myth busted, and time to understand something about singing in a new light that will allow us to move forward in a better direction than before.
What Makes You Sing Good
Alright, first things first.
Your ability to sing and perform various singing techniques is what allows you to sing better. Not your age, not your height, not your sex, and definitely not if you’re going through puberty.
Your singing journey will include you practicing these said techniques and acquiring specific skills as you progress and gaining more experience as you start to sing better and better.
Nothing will ever come close to your success in singing than practicing and getting experience through deliberate practice and studying music-related subjects like music theory and improving your ear.
How Puberty Has Nothing to Do With It
Puberty has nothing to do with singing but your voice is a different thing altogether.
Your Voice May Change
Alright, let’s just say it out loud, your voice will change and there is literally nothing we can do about it but your ability to sing won’t.
Because the skill and technique required to perform singing aren’t there and they aren’t there because have never practiced at all.
As stated above, the most important thing required of you for singing is your ability to sing with perfect techniques and skill, with or without puberty these skills would be the same.
If you’ve put in the time to master them then you will find regardless of where you are in life and your age, you are able to sing regardless.
Practice Will Work
As a result, you need to put time into practice to become better.
If anyone says that your voice will change and you can’t learn to sing yet, they are wrong and you can use this knowledge to humiliate them in a conversation which the 14-year-old me would’ve loved to do.
You’re welcome.
So, you really should think about practicing and get to it, practice will work and the sooner you develop a sense for this discipline and start to fall in love with the act of practicing the more you will be successful in all endeavors of your life.
It’s really a life skill and something you should work on getting better at.
What You Need to Know About Progress
Progress is slow.
If you ever come across something that is showing you progress within a month, be careful. Because as much as it may be true, it’s more likely that it will not last.
Good habits take a long time to form and might take even longer to show their results. Including singing but I firmly believe that if you practice five days a week for 30 minutes a day, you will see decent progress each month.
Knowledge Is Important
The knowledge required of you to start singing to sing and practice is quite limited, so your ability to cope with it is going to be easy.
Whether it may be instruction about singing or music theory.
I believe in online courses not just because they help you understand things about singing but also give you practical knowledge about how singing is performed.
How to Practice
Under the assumption that you are working under some curriculum or someone teaching you, you need to understand that when you’re practicing something it should not be possible for you to be able to sing that, yet.
But it shouldn’t be so far from you that you won’t be able to master it six months from now. You need something in between.
That’s what online courses provide, bite-sized easy exercises to do which you can see the results very soon and something everyone should be able to do.
How to Progress
When you have the exercise that you need to do you will start going through them and try to make incremental improvements. You should feel the exercises getting easier week by week and in a month’s time being close to almost effortless.
Keep building on this and you will soon be out of beginner levels of singing and well on your way to becoming an amateur singer, the only difference between a pro and a beginner is the number of hours of deliberate practice.
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practice is simple.
Deliberate practice is when you are aware of what you’re doing and you are giving it full attention.
As simple as that.
No more watching Netflix and practicing your exercises thinking you’re making progress. You’re not. Or not as much as you could be without distractions.
So, strap in whether you’re going through puberty or not, its’ time to get some practice in.
Do You Want to Learn to Sing?
So, you’ve read the article and now you understand that puberty doesn’t really play a part in your ability to sing. You also understand the importance of practice and even how to do it.
In all fairness, this kind of knowledge is really good to make you understand how and what to do next but the particular steps you ought to take to make yourself a better singer are missing.
I have just the thing for that as well.
I believe in online courses.
You can and should definitely take a look at Robert Lunte’s ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’. I have written extensively on why you ought to have an online course you can read it here.
There are other courses on offer as well. But, if you wish you can check all of the courses out, you can do so here.
Remember, puberty or anything can’t stop you from learning, so go and learn how to sing!