Does Singing Burn Calories?

Singing exercises are still exercises, right? I ought to be burning calories at the speed of light! Right? RIGHT?!

Singing does not burn enough calories for you to feel any different about your health. It does burn calories but it’s highly insignificant. Proper understanding of how our bodies work and how they function is going to be the key to being healthy and in turn allowing you to sing to your fullest potential.

Those may be very harsh words for someone to hear but it’s also the truth. Let’s read on ahead and find some more truths! 

It 100% Does

Everything that you do, even sleeping, burns calories. Technically yes, singing does burn calories. But just like being alive is not enough to burn calories to the point of making them significant, so is the same thing for standing, sitting, or any other position. Similarly, singing does not actually burn enough calories for you to feel any healthier than before.

I hope you are not looking at dinner or some kind of food and thinking that it is going to help you burn more calories by eating it.  In the same vein, I would also suggest that there is no point in thinking about how many calories you burn per hour for singing.  Because it’s insignificant!

So don’t get riled up in it at all. Take it easy and if you’re on the path to losing weight there is a lot of literature out there for everyone to consume and be educated on how losing weight for the betterment of your health actually works.

For getting educated on how it works read ‘Bigger Leaner Stronger’ by Michael Matthews and to develop habits read ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear.

Exercise Does The Work

The only thing that does burn calories properly to the point that it makes a difference in your mental and physical health is actually exercising. The more you exercise, the more you burn, but there is a limit to everything. 

And for an average person who just wants to stay fit, even 40 minutes of exercise per day is more than enough. Along with a decent diet that can keep them healthy. 

This is going to be the takeaway from this article. If you can’t come to terms with the fact that burning calories can only happen from doing actual exercise then there is no point in going ahead. You’re capable of changing and equipping yourself with the right information is the first step.

On the other hand, there are other things you can do physically that will help losing weight or keep you a little bit healthier than you were before. 


Getting into a sport that requires a lot of cardiovascular exercises will help you tremendously in your ability to sing indirectly. 

The reason it works is that it will give you the stamina to not only hold any posture for longer periods of time, which you may do when you are performing music live, but it will also help you increase the capacity of your lungs.

Any exercise that improves cardiovascular health is bound to improve how much volume of air you carry in your lungs. And the last time I checked singing is all about being able to control your breath and controlling it perfectly.

Plus your everyday life is going to be much better as well.

Get Into Sports

Getting into sports can get you better at cardiovascular health. Sports like cycling, swimming, and jogging can make a huge difference. 

These sports are going to make sure that your cardiovascular health is top-notch and the barrier of entry is pretty much nonexistent. With a couple of hundred dollars, you can either invest in a cycle, a swimming pool membership, or a pair of really good jogging shoes.

Another reason I mentioned sports is that the amount of people who do this kind of sport in any part of the world is pretty huge.  Everywhere you go, you can always find a group of people who perform these activities. Plus they are a great way to make new friends.  Most of them are pretty friendly and in sports like cycling and jogging it’s always more fun to have someone to be with you. 

Just for the sake of this article and so that you know, there is a scope for this there are other sports that you can invest your time and money in. Some of them are rock climbing and hiking. 

Not just this, these types of sports allow you to become a person that experiences life on a level that most people do not. It also forces you to go outside of your room and have a life which we musicians can’t say that we always do. The side effect of this indoor lifestyle comes to haunt us much later in life.

Trust me, it’s always fun to be out, especially with friends and it gives you something to look forward to outside of your home when you are done practicing or actually have over practice or need a break from music from time to time.

Plus all of this burns a lot of calories.

but the most important part is that… 

You Ought to be Able to Sing

Without a doubt you must have the necessary skills to sing and nothing you ever do will be more determining of your success than that.

So, you should really focus on that. This whole website was made to show another alternative to learning to sing, which is through online courses. You can read more about it here.

What you might also be interested in is knowing which online course to buy and for that, I suggest you look at the full list of courses offered by Robert Lunte, ‘The Vocalist Studio’. Nothing will ever beat the quality and the price of this course.

If you’re looking for something more beginner friendly then I suggest the warm-up course. Remember, this is a small course and this is in no way will teach you anything more than warming up.

My personal favorite and something I own myself, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ out of all. But I have made a page specifically for you to understand all the courses that you can put your money into! Here.

Whatever you end up deciding to do I hope you find success in your singing career!

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