Does Singing Make You Attractive?

We all want to put our best foot forward when it comes to presenting ourselves and while you’ll find out if singing is attractive I don’t necessarily think this is going to surprise you.

Singing is an attractive skill. Across the whole industry, from people who actively participate in music to people who just listen to music, singing is the one skill that is recognized and critiqued the most. People love really good singers and musicians appreciate them as well. In today’s time, it’s not so hard to achieve it as well.

You may not understand that all too well, but I hope you’ll stick around till the end to see how you too can improve your voice and completely understand how others find your voice attractive.

Singing is Attractive

Singing is attractive for various reasons one of them being the most basic thing to understand about singing, it is quite difficult to master. 

It requires quite a decent amount of time to pursue it for it to become something you can be good at, people who have tried to sing understand that mastery over it isn’t something to be taken lightly.

One of the reasons why it feels so difficult to master is because of how much dedication it requires in practice to show other people that you are good at singing. 

Sitting for practice once or twice is not something that will show its results in your singing and something that will help you in any way but sitting 30 minutes a day while being aware of what you want to do and how you want to practice will surely get you to a place where your singing is good. 

So obviously people who have a mind to understand these things will appreciate how well you can sing.

But, the most common reason why people will find your singing attractive is when you sing, when all the hours of hard work come down to one single performance and it is made ready for everyone’s ears.

Everyone loves a good singing voice.

Those Who Love Music

People who appreciate how much practice and understanding it takes to master are usually lovers of music and for them, it’ll be easy to understand what you’ve gone through as I have said before.

Since people who critique music are the ones who don’t compose but consume a lot of the music out there, they are also the same people who have a high appreciation for the high-quality levels of singing.

I sure do myself as well. I love bands like Dance Gavin Dance and I The Mighty, if their lyrics or singing would not up to par I would probably stop listening to them.

It is because I know how tough it is for them to reach that level of singing that I can appreciate how well they sing and how much time it requires to reach that level that I am able to sit and enjoy their work at any given time of the day.

Also, singing is the only way you can make fans for yourself in music and sometimes the easiest way as well. People love and are heavily invested in the art that you do.

Giving them what they didn’t even know they needed will make them feel like you do something special and you need to convince yourself in a positive way that you do too.

People want to listen to the kind of music you’re making and they would have a great time doing it over and over again.

Those Who Practice Music

Other musicians who practice other instruments and singing will understand how hard it is and after maybe feeling a bit jealous will give you the nod of understanding of how much work goes into perfecting a craft such as singing.

They can understand this because they feel the same and face similar struggles trying to get better at music as life keeps throwing different types of hurdles and random things at you while you just want to get better.

There is no friend like the one who has gone through the same struggles as you and appreciation towards your craft and overcoming the problems you face in music is something people will find highly attractive.

It Only Works If Your Succeed

The problem with all of the examples above is that it only works if you are successful at overcoming the hurdles and are able to sing to a certain mark.

If you can’t, there is not so much difference between you and someone who listens to music and appreciates it. This world will only reward the people who have overcome not those who are willing to overcome but who already have.

I have some good news, across this website I preach that online singing is the way to go and to remove possibly all hurdles from your practice so that you see constant progress in your signing, online courses can help you achieve that.

They will help you get from not being able to sing to being able to sing confidently and achieving the appreciation of not just others but of yourself as well, there’s nothing more attractive to one person who finds their own work and themselves attractive in their own eyes.

Learn to Sing

I kept this for the last because I wanted you to know things before you could think about online courses. I have written another article on why I do believe in them and I would like everyone who is interested in singing even if it is as a hobby or as a professional career someday to have one online course in their library.

My first preference and choice is ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte. He’s a very well-known teacher by now and you might’ve even seen him online.

 A warm-up course is also offered but there are many others and you can see all of them here.

I hope whatever you end up deciding, I hope you are able to make the most of everything and are a successful singer.

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