Whistling is fun but can it help you to sing better? I think the answer may surprise you and the alternatives, maybe even more so. Only reading will tell.
Whistling does not help to master how to sing. The techniques required to sing are vastly different from whistling. The usage of whistling is also limited to creative use in songs while singing when learned as a whole will prove to be a fast more effective skill in the long run.
I know that may not be the answer you may be looking but it is true and if you stick around maybe you’ll find a better answer.
Practicing Whistling Won’t Help Your Singing
Yeah, that is true.
You will not get better at singing if you whistle.
The reason for that is simple.
The technique sued to whistle is not the same as singing. You may be able to sing while laying down on the ground and the same for whistling but when it comes to giving an actual performance and showcasing your abilities to not just yourself but other people, your technique is going to determine the outcome of things.
In other words, the techniques required for singing are far more complicated.
So, I hope you understand that you cannot use whistling as a means to improve your singing.
A Word on Technique
If it is not clear already, the technique is how you make a sound in music.
In order for you to get good at singing you master the techniques that have been perfected by singers before you so that you are able to sing as they have.
Isn’t it amazing? We don’t have to figure out anything from scratch and everything you ever need to know about singing and how to sing something is already laid before us. Resources on how to learn to sing are provided at the end of the article.
But that is not all, accompanying techniques are its underlying knowledge. Knowledge about singing and how it is performed.
When you understand these things that’s when you are able to make the most of your practice sessions and in the future when you’re a seasoned singer, the ability to break down any singing you listen to so that you can learn just from hearing it.
But by now, you must’ve realized something. The same cannot be said about whistling. For whistling to become this complicated it would be never impossible for people to even do it.
Yes, some people can’t whistle but there is still the undeniable fact that whistling is much, much easier than singing.
Controlling Pitch with Whistling
You might say that you are able to control pitch through whistling and that it requires breath just like singing does.
I agree both of these facts are true but so is humming.
Just because you are able to control pitch doesn’t determine that you will be able to replicate that in your singing and definitely not when the time comes to perform.
Plus, those are just two things, breathwork is required for longer phrases, and holding high notes with accuracy is not something that one can learn from humming or whistling.
Not to mention facial structures that you ought to make so that it is not just easier for you to sing but also the proper way to learn how to sing.
And the breathwork and posture required for you to sing.
Singing is far superior when it comes to techniques being used and not even whistling, as entertaining or good as it may be, will ever come close to teaching you to sing better.
It Is Still Used
Don’t be dismayed though.
Whistling is still used in music and it is not completely out of the picture.
Its uses are creative, when and where you feel whistling can fit in, and say you can imagine it can’t be on every song and it can’t be everywhere. Singing will dominate those songs but its use is not out of reach.
Just don’t get hung up on the fact that is something that you ought to do in order to become good at singing.
Singing Might Help Whistling
Yes, you read that right.
If you think singing is complicated then it is for good reason but you will be able to whistle better.
Well, when you understand how to control your pitch and how breathwork works, you will be in a better position to be able to whistle.
You’ve also mastered something much harder to do and your sense of melody and it’s written and sung with all the nuances will improve as a result of learning how to sing and in turn allow you to whistle better.
Learning to Sing
I hope by now I have instilled some reasoning as to why singing is just a different beast altogether. But it’s not that kind of beast. Something you can’t master, it is definitely something you can tame and use for your own means.
I believe in online courses and so should you. Read this article here on why I believe it is the way to go for it.
But if you want me to cut to the chase and give you the course already, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the one.
But for what’s it worth in money, I think you get a really good return on your investment. You can check out all of the courses here.
Don’t worry and don’t think too much, check it, and research it thoroughly. I can assure you, no wrong decisions here.
I just want to help you become a better singer and I firmly believe that people can become better at singing through online courses.
So, whatever you end up deciding I know you’re going to be a great singer one day.