A strong singing voice is something you should strive for and something I believe is possible for you to achieve regardless of where you may find yourself in your singing.
Deliberate practice will ensure that you will develop a strong singing voice. In order to perform deliberate practice, you will need to have an understanding of how singing works with the correct mindset for you to make the most of your practice time while making sure that you are improving at a steady pace.
Let’s dive in a little bit deeper to understand how all of this works so that you can are able to use this for your own benefit.
Without practice, you will not be able to make progress in any artistic field and much less so in singing.
On this website, you will find resources (at the end of the article) and general things you ought to know about how things work for you to understand and make use of in your practice.
You will also hear me say all the time that you need to practice at a consistent rate in order to get better along with practicing with knowledge and being aware of what you are doing.
In short, your practice needs to be deliberate.
So no shortcuts, no buying into fads, it will take time and it doesn’t have to be hard on you to learn this singing and much less so to get a strong singing voice.
Practice is the only way. Not talent.
Practice Requires Two Things
The only thing practice works on is time and to get the most out of your time you need to do it with attention. Put them together and you have a recipe for not just making the most out of your time but also what makes deliberate practice.
But it also requires a pre-requisite. Knowledge. In today’s world knowledge is cheap but its importance remains the same. The more you know, the better equipped you are for your practice.
Its importance is so great that without it you can’t know which way to go and definitely not where you’re headed. I don’t believe in that kind of practice, aimless and void of purpose.
Remember, it needs to be deliberate.
Two Kinds Of Knowledge
There is a general understanding of singing and then there is technical.
General Understanding
The general understanding is what you’re getting right now. You are becoming knowledgeable by being taught that knowledge is important in your practice.
It’s not directly teaching you how to sing but it is equipping you to do it better. This whole website is majorly a huge network of general understanding required for singing.
Technical Understanding
Then there is a technical understanding of singing that allows you to learn the specifics of how singing is actually performed for which resources are provided at the end of this article.
They may come in the form of lessons but they will also teach you how to sing. The actual practice of singing and how to do it not just well but you ought to do every single time so that you can keep on getting better at singing.
Aim For a Better Singing Voice
The way you can get a really strong voice is that you have to aim for it. If you don’t make a deliberate effort or visualize what a strong singing voice is, you will never get it.
For beginners, you need more control over your voice so that you are able to control it to be something that you mold your singing after what you want to sound like.
More control allows for more freedom. The more you are able to do with your voice what you want to do the more you are happy with your own practice, which is also the end of practice.
The end goal of practice is that you are able to do what you want to do with your voice.
But to reach there you must aim for it.
You need to get a list of people who you think have a strong voice, understand how the techniques work, and then try to demystify the whole thing for yourself and be deliberate about your efforts about sounding a certain way.
If you do that, then you can start taking steps toward those goals and feel yourself coming closer to the voice that you have envisioned for yourself.
How Does Knowledge Works In This?
You can predict and chart a course for yourself without first having it yourself. You may not be able to sing as you can but having the knowledge to know how it works will help you tremendously.
A Strong Voice Is Found From Looking at The Right Place
If you try to find a strong singing voice without knowledge then you are going to be spending a lot of time hitting walls in the dark.
For beginners, without knowledge, you can’t understand the difference between a good and a bad voice. You might think this is tied back to knowledge but it also means exposure.
Exposure to the correct things. If you don’t know what to look out for, you are essentially just leaving it up to chance to find it. With knowledge, you will expose yourself to not just good singing but with time, be able to discern what a good strong singing voice is as well.
It also gives you the power to replicate parts of someone’s singing and mix them with someone else’s style and technique to eventually find your own and proudly own your own strong singing voice.
Exposing You to Online Courses
And the final part of it is this, where and how you might even start getting yourself educated on getting yourself some singing lessons to boost your singing skills.
I have written a thorough article about why I believe in online courses and I think you should give it a read here.
Without further ado, let’s get to which courses are good for you.
‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ for the whole deal. While this page will walk you through all the courses that you could possibly invest in along with prices.
I believe in them because I own them myself!
I will let you make up your own mind and I hope whatever you do you end up a better singer than before!