How Long Do You Have to Practice Singing?

The answer to this may not surprise you but it will definitely shock you to understand a few key things about practice when you are done with it.

While practicing 30 minutes a day is a really good discipline to have, doing it over the period of three years is even better. These two timelines will guarantee that by the end of these timelines you surely are a good singer, to say the least, given that you practice deliberately and have taken the time to understand how singing techniques works.

Of course, if you have more time on your hand then it is possible for you to make this timeline shrink considerably but I would suggest that you learn other music-related skills as well.

Practice Is Necessary

Once you know how things work, you can practice on a need-to-know basis.

But, you need to understand this. If you are not on a level where you think that you are a good singer and other people who are better than you have not approved that you are there.

You need to be in practice for the majority of the time (more on this later).

What You Can and Shouldn’t Do

You can be in a band and should try to practice and jam with them as often as possible and keep other music-related learning open.

However, If you’re a beginner or amateur-level singer, think twice about posting on your socials. While posting on social media is good, only do so when you think you’re nailing the cover. Not before that.

Practice Saves Time

If you put in the time that is required for you to learn singing then you will put less time later in your singing career worrying about not being able to sing something.

Put in the time now. Because the end goal of music is to create and express yourself. You don’t have to do it in a complicated way but you must be able to do it well.

It will take a while but focusing on practicing is probably the best bet for someone who needs to see themselves sing better and better at a steady rate.

Also, if you skip this part, you will never really come out of the whole ‘beginner’ and ‘amateur’ level of singing.

How to Reach That Level

But how must one get out of this?

The first and foremost thing you need to understand about practicing is that you need the knowledge to work with. At the end of the course, there are resources for you to indulge yourself in high-quality lessons.

But knowledge is required to become good at anything. Those who practice something are knowledgeable about it not just in ‘what’ singing is but also ‘how’ singing is performed.

That should be easy enough of a task for you, you just need to absorb it like a sponge.

It’s a Limited Knowledgebase

If nobody has ever told you this, then it’s weird.

But the knowledge base of singing is limited. It doesn’t keep on going and going and going that you ought to learn it for the rest of your life.

The expression of music is unlimited

Once you know how to sing, you can sing about anything and be able to express your ideas and lyrics in ways that are impossible to count.

So what you must focus on are two things when it comes to learning.

Technical vs. General Understanding

Technique is how a sound is made in music.

Technical understanding is understanding how techniques are performed in singing. You understand this by going through the practice routines themselves and through your teacher showing you how.

The general understanding is what your mindset ought to be towards music and singing in general. Like these articles. They’re a general way of understanding why practice is important in music and why a technical understanding of singing is equally important.

Practice Isn’t Everything

So with the knowledge you have now, you should be on your way to getting out of the amateurish and beginner phase of singing.

Now it is time to diversity a little bit and understand this. Like the knowledgebase of singing, practice too has an end and it isn’t everything.

The end of practice is to become good at something and become a master of it. Once you are, there is no longer a need to keep pushing yourself. It is now to explore yourself as an artist.

Don’t get hung up on perfecting your craft, you never will. Not in this lifetime. So buckle up and join a band, have fun do things that make you happy with singing. Share it with others and enjoy it for yourself from time to time.

Other Music-Related Learning

So, before we go I would like to say this.

If you ever feel like singing is getting too much or you need a new shade to sit under.

Learn other music-related skills.

Learn to play an instrument or a really helpful thing that you can do to yourself, learn audio production. No jokes, it will save you a lot of time and money if you ever feel the need to release a song.

It won’t be easy as it is a brand-new skill. But, it’s a nice trick to have in your pocket.

Online Courses

And towards the end, I usually like to close by telling people what they can do to maximize their time when it comes to learning to sing. You may be in the market for a course or you may not be but I know one thing, you need to have at least one in your library.

You can read more about why I believe that you ought to be interested in online courses. You can read it here.

But if you’d like to know which course to buy, then I would suggest you go for, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte. It is a full-blown course that will teach you everything that you ought to know to become a great singer. In a similar vein, I have made a page full of courses that I know you can count on and they serve different purposes. You can read about it here. Prices are also mentioned so that you can make your own choice.

No hurry, there’s no limit on them. But, think about it and then make the choice.

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