How Many Singing Lessons Do I Need?

That’s not a bad question to ask, I am just trying to say that you can’t measure your progress like that. There is only one way to make sure you get good at something.

It’s not a matter of how many singing lessons you might need but how well you can keep your consistency with your practice. The more consistent you are the more you will see steady gains, even when you are stuck, which is inevitable in any field. Consistency will break down anything you work at.

If you don’t believe what I am talking about consistency, meet William Henry Schmidt. He dug a tunnel all by himself by being consistent. Let’s begin understanding more about this now!

Wrong Question

You might be wondering why I’m saying this is a wrong question, the answer to that is that that’s not how it works.

Going forward into this article I just want to tell you and would ask you to keep an open mind about learning and practice. The more you know the better equipped you will be.

It is not based on how many singing lessons you need, but it is based on so many other factors that it is hard to determine how many singing you may actually need. 

And looking at a very famous example and knowing that not everyone learns at the same pace and some students will pick up something very fast and sometimes students won’t be able to pick something as fast as others.

So, what you need to understand going ahead is the fact that, regardless of what you do, there will be times when you are able to understand what is happening and you will require to go back to your lessons and notes to understand whatever that you’re practicing to be understood one more time so that you are able to practice is much better than before.

With that in mind, let’s move on ahead.

Progress Can Vary and Will Vary

Some things in practice will take you longer but there will be things that just seem to get. Though both will rarity the chances of them coming up at least once in your singing or musical life is inevitable. 

The fact remains that for you to gain progress in your practice and become better, the only thing they require is your attention and time. If you put these things together towards your progress, it will vary, but it will also be guaranteed.

If you can’t and won’t give it either time or attention, it will not work. Practice accepts two currencies, attention and time. The funny part is, the more deliberate you are about your efforts the more you get out of your time.

Even when you are not able to get some things.

How Attention Works

The only way to make the most of your time is to have deliberate practice, deliberate practice is when you’re aware of what you need to work on.

This means it requires an understanding of what you’re doing and the awareness of the fact that you are not quite able to do it yet.

It’s possible, it’s like knowing that you are sick and you will not be able to go somewhere where you wanted. 

So, when you understand the technical side of singing you will be able to practice them and with consistency even master them. I hope it makes sense now when I said the number of singing lessons will not help.

It is consistency.

Why Online Courses are Better

Now, the solution to all your problems.

The reason I advocate the use of online lessons is because, like progress, it doesn’t matter how many times you watch your lessons as long as you are trying to understand and trying to get better at singing.

This is the place that will give you the knowledge of what you ought to practice, and the techniques you ought to perform to get good at singing. Without it, you won’t be getting very far in any artistic field.

No Superpowers

I wasn’t born with superpowers and neither were you. As sad as that may be. We, as people in general, are stubborn.

And we’re so good at it because we’re consistent with it.

So, when you watch a lesson for the first time. I don’t expect youtube just get it in the first go. I haven’t, I don’t expect you to either. 

I once watched the intro of a guitar lessons series thinking the lesson had begun only to discover there were chapters ahead with far more basic skills to absorb.

Anything new creates friction.

An ideology, an experience, everything creates friction. So will this. It’s okay, we’re not born with superpowers, except to take control of our lives through consistency.

I am not going to lie, online courses are cheaper than private ones. You pay one time and you are done. As easy as that. No need to pay for further classes.

You can take them when you feel like you’ve hit a wall and really need someone else to guide you. But read this article on how you can progress really fast.

So It’s Not about Quantity but Quality

I am talking about singing lessons.

Yes, you need lessons.

I hate cliche saying but this one is true. You will need quality lessons to progress through. In the end, you must rely on someone else who has figured things out for you to follow.

The Problem With Random Lessons

I say that you need to follow someone who has figured it out for a reason. If you don’t there is no steady growth. Or no growth at all.

One of the best examples of such practices is getting stuck doing something that is way above your skills. Like singing a note so high that you are not remotely even close to it!

You have to build it up little by little. That’s an easy one.

But, all skills are made up of other skills which means, the more you learn small skills the more you are able to stack them.

In music, you need to perform multiple things at once. For example, in order to sing well, your posture ought to be good and you should be able to take breaths at the right time, there you go, two skills that you need to have under control, at least two.

So, when you go out and learn from random videos on YouTube it doesn’t help you. You need something far more structured and organized.

Online Courses

I believe online courses have come a long way and now there is a special place for them on the internet. They are highly structured and cost a fraction of what you might pay at a college and even for private classes.

I have outlined here in detail what they are all about. Here.

But if you’d like the courses I would personally recommend for anyone to have, it’d be, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ (affiliate link). This is a full singing course that is structured very well.

If you’re looking for something less technical and more beginner-friendly but equally educational, this warm-up course is for you. But there are a lot of courses on offer, and I have a page specifically for you to glance over all the courses that you could potentially invest in and have fun learning how to sing! You can read about it here.

I believe my work here is done, for now, check out other articles and remember to keep on practicing!

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