How Much Singing Practice is Too Much?

I am so happy and excited to answer these kinds of questions that I can’t even begin answering this! If you’re serious about improving your singing chops, stick around.

Don’t practice more than four hours a day. Try to keep it under six days a week as well. If you go over these numbers, you’re working against yourself. The idea of practice is to grow. You can only grow when you are mindful of how much time you spend practicing. Master this and you will master practicing.

When it comes to practicing, consistency will always win over a certain number of hours you practiced over the weekends. Let’s read on ahead to understand it better.

What a Wonderful Question

It is these kinds of questions that really get me going to write blogs about this. I am very happy to have this question and even happier for you who are asking this question.

I would like to congratulate you that you come to a point where you are actually thinking that how much practice is too much because I think the foreseeable harm can be understood since you use your voice vocal cords all the time and it can cause a harmful effect and your voice by being sore.

Which, of course, we want to avoid this as we want to establish good and healthy habits for practice so that you are able to enjoy not only your singing but be able to practice at a constant and steady pace that reflects in your growth as a singer.

Why You Shouldn’t Cross Four hours

One of the reasons that you shouldn’t cross for all is from the book called ‘Deep Work’ which talks about you having four hours in a day to give attention to something.

Beyond that, you are just sitting around and not actually making progress and while you may feel like you’re putting in the time to do practice you’re actually harming your own practice and it has negative side effects.

I am saying all of this to make you aware that you have limits and you have to understand that you need to keep yourself and keep your limits in check because if you try to go beyond them then you are not actually benefiting from it, you are actually wasting time.

It’s a small line something we all need to be aware of.

The first limit I tell people that are new to this and I make them aware of is that there is only four hours’ worth of work to be done from your end.

Keep the most important stuff for those four hours. If making progress on a song you’re writing is the most important thing, then work on that.

There are major things to do (like writing a song) Then there are minor things to do like maybe setup the template for the song in the digital audio workstation. 

An example of major things would look like, practicing your scales, increasing your vocal range, and learning to sing a song. If there is something basic that you have not yet mastered then it should definitely be up there in those four hours’ worth of practice. 

Don’t let the basics slip away and definitely not after your first four hours of practice.

After those four hours once you are done and you feel like you practiced and you made the best of the time I suggest that you practice other music-related skills that you may not really be serious about at the moment.

Or you do menial tasks. 

For audio produces I would like to say after your four hours of initial mixing you can set up the next project and color code everything so that you are ready to go for the next one.

That is just one of the examples and you need to be creative about your own practice so that you are able to make a difference in your own progress.

The organization is only one of those key things.

Your Creativity is endless and you will find ways to become more productive at what you want to do as long as you give it thought.

Another thing I would like to say is it’s necessary to utilize your time because your time is your own and the more you better utilize it and the more it’s going to benefit you in the long run.

So sit down relax think about what you need to do

At the end of the article, I have provided all the links from which you can get better at singing.

How to Make Most of Your Time

One of the best ways that you can actually learn about singing and understand how techniques work.

By studying I mean knowing and being aware of what is possible in singing and what isn’t. I say this all the time to everyone. Knowing about singing is an infinite amount of knowledge. It is possible to tame it and know there is everything to know about singing.

The other half of knowing is techniques. How actually the techniques are used to create and what kind of sounds they create.

This means knowing what is the correct posture, what is the correct facial structure for a certain type of sound and how to reach high notes, and how to practice. These are all techniques used in order to become better.

The more you are aware of these things the more you will naturally follow them when you are practicing which means when you are practicing and putting in the time you are getting your time’s worth.

Because believe me you don’t want to sit through hours and hours and hours of practice just to realize that you practiced the wrong things and now that ‘wrong’ thing has now been solidified.

So now you have to do double correction which means we have to unlearn what you’ve learned and then learn the new thing again which is the correct way to do that thing in the first place.

The other problem and something that needs to be taken an account is that you can only practice once you know something has to be practiced. 

Without the knowledge of techniques the general knowledge of singing what you are doing essentially is you’re going into the dark and hoping that whatever you’re doing will work. 

Spoiler, it never works. 

So be aware and be knowledgeable about what you doing and I know exactly how you can cure that.

But, Where Can You Learn to Sing?

As the name of the website suggests, I am a big believer in online courses and you can read a more in-depth article about it here.

Without wasting more of your time I am going to give you my recommendation ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is something I know will definitely help your singing for sure. I have made a page in which I have curated a lot of other courses which target specific genres and even techniques. You can read all about it here, prices are included so you’re not surprised at any point.

Whatever you do, I hope you become a better singer!

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