How Rare Is It to Have a Good Singing Voice?

If you ever do hear a really good voice out and about in the wild, ask them if they’ve heard of my website. All jokes aside, this is a really good question and I love answering these! So let’s get started!

A good singing voice is hard to come across. The reason is simple, it requires a good deal of knowledge, and expertise backed with probably years of singing practice to sound great. The good news is, that it’s achievable for everyone.

I mean that! I truly believe in my heart that it’s possible. Let’s read on ahead and till the end to know why a singing voice is so hard to find.

Very Rare

A good singing voice is very very rare. You will find it very rare to find a really good singing voice out and about in the wild. 

One of the reasons why it is so rare is that it requires discipline to reach that level. 

On this website, you will notice that I have written extensively about there being a difference between talent and practicing. Essentially to sum it up here, a deliberate practice always outshines innate talent 

That is one of the reasons why a good singing voice is very rare among people because it requires a lot of dedication and a lot of correct steps to reach that level. You don’t reach that in a month, you don’t reach that in a year, it is a multi-year discipline and that’s why it’s rare. It’s a hard pill to swallow but it’s true. Don’t expect to start singing amazingly in a short time. Everything takes a while. 

I encourage people to practice as much as they can and as deliberately as possible through various resources that I provide them here (at the end of the article), but also in light of reality,  I have to say this. 

Everyone wants to learn to run before they can walk these days.

Requires Discipline

People are good or maybe decent at practicing, but to hold it in the long term is far more valuable and harder than anything else. People also show great gumption at the beginning and then wean off in a week’s time.

The idea is simple, introduce practicing into your life, and do it slowly. 15 minutes at best. Then increase it by 5 minutes each week or every three days a week and don’t practice on a single day of the week of your choosing, mine’s Sunday.

To know more read ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear.

If you have experience keeping discipline in any other area of life, whether it be fitness or otherwise you will notice they are disciplined in the other areas of life as well.

I used to think that it is my bias that I believe that people who have generally bad discipline usually have bad discipline everywhere. They might get good at one thing in their life at keeping discipline, but not all.  

So you might be asking, how do you develop this rare kind of voice and the answer is very simple: to practice deliberately and effectively. If you were to ask me where you can find resources and I will happily guide you toward them at the end of this article.

Knowing is Half the Game

Before we go there and make you understand how this works I would like to talk to you about why knowing is half the game in practicing.  Knowledge is very powerful and the way you use it matters a lot.

So if you are setting out to learn how to do something and you are serious about it, I would suggest that you take every ounce of knowledge that you can. 

Of course, on this website, I do promote a lot of online courses and the knowledge comes as a part of doing the course itself, but in reality, there is no stopping you from gaining extra knowledge from other sources. 

What I mean by that is, if there is a technique in singing that really intrigues you and you want to know how it works, you should know how it works, even without having the ability to do so. 

The difference may not be that much in your head but in practical terms, it matters the most, because now you have an end goal in mind of what you can achieve with your voice and that makes a difference.

Because when you’re practicing, you are sitting down to make sure that you are able to achieve that end goal which you can already visualize and even hear inside your head as far as how goes of the technique it is very easy for you to see whether your making steps towards the end goal or not. 

And that’s why knowledge is so important especially when you’re practicing as a singer and as a musician. It helps you visualize what you need to do.

Practicing and Learning from Online Courses

There are a lot of courses that you learn from and even from books, but what about a course that also provides you with a book to go along with it?

The Four Pillars of Singing’ does exactly that and you should definitely check it out pretty thoroughly because you won’t need another course after this at all. 

It is taught by Robert Lunte and he is a pretty good teacher and very well-known now. You should focus on getting one for yourself as it is going to take a while for you to go through the course.

There’s a ton to work through and I honestly believe that with the book, you’re going to have a good time educating yourself while doing all the exercises that are sure to improve your singing.

But to give you an ever more abundance of courses here are all the courses that are available.

So, you’re no longer with an excuse to learn to sing.

Go get to work and start to learn how to sing better!

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