How to Be a Singing Teacher?

Do you want to be a singing teacher? That’s wonderful, there’s always a student out there waiting to be taught by a great teacher! Teaching is great for those who love spending time forming a connection with their students!

Once your mind is made to become a singing teacher, the way to go forward is going to start with growing your current network, talking about it on social media and promoting yourself, being firm in your methodology, and giving your students a teacher who really is passionate about teaching!

It may seem simple to read and assume you’re ready to teach but let’s read ahead and understand it in detail!

Is It For You?

Before we begin going about that we have to answer a very important question!

Whether or not teaching is for you? (Feel free to skip this subheading if you’re already sure about teaching)

The best method to get confirmation on this is to teach someone you know for free. Once. You may not agree with that at all but doing this for someone for free is going to not only help get you the doubt that you are a teacher but also the fact that you are interested in teaching yourself.

If you feel a passion and a natural inclination toward teaching I believe it is only then you should try to get into this type of field. 

Once you have done it and really like what teaching feels like and what it encompasses then you are ready to get into this line of work!

Grow Your Network!

The most important thing you can do for yourself as a teacher is to grow your network. They may come in the form of students and they may come in the form of other teachers but what you need to do is get the word out at you are available as a singing teacher.

Think about this if people don’t know that you are available as a singing teacher in your local area then you can’t be discord, to begin with, and it becomes harder for you to start!

It definitely won’t happen without any fire from your end!

Abundance Mindset 

You also need to believe in an abundance mindset which means believing that there are enough people out there who want your service to satisfy your own personal needs.

There is no lack of people who are willing to pay for your services but a lack of people who aren’t aware of what you do!

Social Media Outreach

One of the best ways to find people is to have a social media presence. 

Everything is online and there is no denying that. If you are not online promoting your teaching and your services offered then you are not going to get anyone interested, to begin with.

You don’t have to pay big money to get this kind of outreach.  You can do it yourself in the beginning and then later when you feel the time is right and your business is doing a bit better you can even hire a social media agency to manage your social media accounts.

You sometimes need more than more, like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram but you really just need to post there rather than creating a bunch of new content for every platform!

Be Firm in Your Demands

But whatever you end up deciding you need to be sure that there are certain things and rules that everyone has to adhere to and if you’re sure of the quality you provide then you ought not to deter or change rules for any of them.

In a world where there are enough people willing to give you the money, you deserve you only get paid what you ask for. Now you are going to be the judge of yourself and you are going to set the bar on how much are your services worth.

So I suggest you keep it appropriate to your skill! If you’re a really good teacher then I think you should charge appropriately but if you are just starting out always remember that increasing your prices as you go along is not wrong at all!

You will have more experience than you had before and therefore you will be charging more for it.

Be Patient

Don’t forget to be patient.

It is easy to get impatient but good things come to people who wait. Let it take its own time and by consistently seeking students and consistently posting on social media you will eventually get the desired number of students that you always wanted!


Now, this is going to sound very ironic but I believe in just learning from online courses.

I have written extensively about this topic in this article here.

And I think it is my duty to tell you that the competition for online courses is quite high. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking in-person classes. 

Teaching the students along any form of curriculum, to begin with, will be highly beneficial.

Some people learn better with in-person classes. But if you as a teacher are willing to teach other students about singing you have not yet decided on your own curriculum I will suggest you read the final part of the article where I talk about different courses and you use these courses in your teaching. At least the structure of it.

If you buy this course yourself you will realize the high quality of vocal lessons these days, don’t be dismayed. This shouldn’t stop you from creating your own singing course. But, given the competition, I suggest you should stay in the in-person teacher zone.

Since you can play well into your geographic zone and…. 

Singing Courses You Ought to Check Out

This whole website was made to show another alternative to learning to sing, which is through online courses. 

What you might also be interested in is knowing which online course to buy and for that, I suggest you look at the full list of courses offered by Robert Lunte and what he’s made and is known as ‘The Vocalist Studio’ with guest teachers who teach some particular things. Nothing will ever beat the quality and the price of these courses.

If you’re looking for something more beginner friendly then I suggest the warm-up course. But this won’t cover everything you ought to know, it might match its price in terms of knowledge but you’d be better off investing in a bigger course.

All the best with your singing!

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