How to Find a Singer for My Band?

Are you looking for a singer for your band? Can’t find it within the people you know? Or the city to live in?

If you’re having difficulties finding a singer for your band the problem can lie with your existing network of people and where you are situated. Improving these two things will improve your chances of finding any member of your band.

You might be wondering why and how the network or where you are matters. But it does, let me tell you how.

Increase Your Network

If there is no one in your network that you can rely on to do a particular job and nobody comes to your mind, I think it is safe to assume you need to have a bigger network than this.

There are and I sympathize with, many reasons why you may not have a big network. Maybe you’re young and maybe you’re shy to go and talk to people but that’s okay. It’s a learned skill. You can master it and try something that will get you very far.

These are more hit-and-miss kinds of things, you don’t know who you’re going to get. Always know this, there is somewhere out there who knows how to solve your problem, but you don’t know that person yet.

Now could be a good opportunity to get in touch with people whom you never thought you had a reason to know. As wonderful as this world is when you’re alone, sometimes you wish for some sparks would be created by someone else for us.

There is nothing wrong with that. Not getting too philosophical but life is only lived in the now. If you can’t share the things you love with the people around you then you need to find people who do. Life is too short not to have friends who like what you like and can’t enjoy things with them.

As I get older the more I realize how rare good people are. Hardworking and passionate people. Artists are artists for the sake of who they are for their art not because they have something to prove. 

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This could be surprisingly effective. Who knows who might reply? They could be really good but don’t hold your breath. They could be equally as bad.

Have some work for them to be seen. If you can show you’re of a certain skill level then serious people will likely be more open to responding. In return, before you ever meet in real, you should ask for their work. A SoundCloud or an email containing their work.

It’s more about efficiency here. You don’t want someone dragging the band behind. You want someone who understands their role and is consistent in their efforts as I am sure, you are as well.


It’s the sad reality that for a successful band to work out, you must also have a good location. A good location means a place where music is thriving and is alive. 

It’s important because it gives birth to opportunities for people to fill in roles that are required by the environment. If the city you’re in has a great music industry, it means the roles of music production are being filled by studios.

So if you really want this to be effective make sure your location is correct. When you’re in need of a bass player but your city doesn’t have one recording studio or a live performance venue, get the hint.

Know Your Needs

Don’t go in the blind, any singer would work or something like that. Whoever you approach and however you may approach them, make sure you have the right thing to ask of them.

Think about it, are you genre-specific? How they can send their samples of their, or how you can get in touch with them? At least try to have these questions and everything set so you may seem professional as well.

Having a conversation with your singer is also important. If their temperament doesn’t match yours, everything is going to be a compromise.

Tell them your vision for the band, how serious or how casual it is. The more serious you are the more specifics you’re going to have. As simple as that. If it’s a one-song thing then you can put up with someone for a song for sure.

Don’t Settle

If you came across a few singers and you think they are good enough don’t settle just yet. Talk things out. You really don’t want to be stuck with a member of a band you can’t get along with.

Take your time and get to know them on some level. What have they done in music? How long have they been doing this? If they match your enthusiasm then you should start telling them about the projects and what can be expected from them. Including, showing up on time and consistently for practice.

People either waste your time or give you its worth. Know how to discern between the two.

How to Develop Your Singer

You may already have a singer but they’re not quite good. You may want to pick up singing yourself. I have written extensively on both topics on this website.

The point is, if you’re a beginner and you get a beginner singer, it is best that you try to develop together. One of the best things is you can direct yourself (if you’re learning how to sing) or your singer to an online learning course.

I have written about why online courses are the way to go here.

There are numerous courses out there to choose from and I have dedicated a whole page to it, go ahead and check it out.

I personally own a digital copy of ‘The Four Pillars of Singing‘, this is an affiliate link. This also comes with a book.

Lots of people have improved their singing with these courses and you can be next!

Whatever you end up doing I hope you find a singer for your band in someone else or yourself!

All the best to you and your band!

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