How to Get Better at Singing Without Lessons?

Imagine trying to figure out a language without any prior knowledge. No grammar and no vocabulary. That’s what it’s like to be to try to learn singing without lessons.

Learning to sing without lessons is close to impossible due to the fact that it has been developed over centuries and to come close to its current state of teaching is just not possible in one lifetime. By the time you do reach there, it’d simply be too late.

But that is not all, there is a reason why you’re better off taking vocal lessons and on the cheap side too, without sacrificing quality either! (Skip to the end from where you can learn to sing) Let’s read on ahead.

Why It’s Not Possible

Imagine this. You are trying to figure out something that has been previously figured out. Not partially. Completely. That’s what it’s like trying to take on any form of art that has already found its roots, especially in teaching.

You might be wondering if that is at all true. You might be wondering how it’s possible that people have figured out singing completely. But first, let’s talk briefly about what is possible with learning to sing!

Remember, Permutations are Infinite

So you know basic words and you know how to use them to form sentences. Now, you can make infinite sentences by learning how sentences are made. The same is with singing. Learning how to sing is limited. Like learning how sentences are made. 

But, having the ability to sing gives you an infinite number of possibilities to explore and develop. Like making sentences. 

I think people confuse this with knowing how to sing. Yes, learning to sing is easier than before but the end result, which is composing, is infinite. So, people assume that they can already come up with basic sentences (composing) in the language of music and that they are no longer in need of furthering their education.

That’s where the issue begins. Your vocabulary in music can only improve with efficiency if you learn from someone better than you and someone who has already figured it out. 

So, don’t confuse if you can make good sentences in music just because you’ve understood the basics really well and quickly! Use that amazing brain to further yourself and become even better!

Back to the Start

Now, let’s consider that you are trying to understand how singing works. If you were to start from the beginning it would take you more than a couple of lifetimes to perfect it.

That’s why the idea of passing down techniques was invented. So that the craft wouldn’t be lost on us. People in the present may be able to take the advantage of the hard work that has been already done by the people who came before.

The centuries of training and understanding of how singing works are now condensed to the point where teachers can teach it to you directly. Not having lessons at all would mean figuring something out from scratch. Which makes it highly….


But, there lies the beauty of it as well.

You don’t have to figure it out.

That’s one thing less you have to worry about!

All you have to do is sit through it and practice like hell. Even your practice sessions are taken care of if you have someone to teach you exactly what needs to be taught. There are thousands of teachers online and there are thousands of courses online as well. The only thing is that I believe, after owning a lot of online courses, that you ought to go the online route.

There is an article that I have written here and it talks about this particular topic.

But moving on, with just 30 minutes of practice every day you can achieve things you didn’t think were possible before.  As long as your consistent and willing to put in the required time you will see growth for sure!

Private Lessons

Our first instinct is always to go for something personal and tailored to us.

I think that’s a false assumption if you want to get educated or get better at something. I think you should find something that has a medium you can consume whenever you’re free and then have the freedom to work through that knowledge in the form of practice whenever you can!

Private lessons are tailored for you, but they cost too much and when you are just starting out or even when you’re at an intermediate level, you should really opt for online courses to save yourself time.

Because, you can’t call your teacher up at random hours to ask if they could clarify something they have already taught, whereas on online lessons you most definitely can hit that play and pause button as many times as you want. Until you finally get it!

Plus, online courses cost a fraction of what private classes would! I would say this though, the only time you should be willing to get private classes for singing is when you’re really struggling with something and it’s just not clicking. Then it’s always recommended to get someone to teach and see your progress in person!

So, it doesn’t pay to start to learn to sing without lessons and it’s mostly not cost-effective to pay for lessons because they cost too much!

You’ve heard me hark about online courses way too much but the most important thing is…

Learning to Sing

So, at the end of the article, I am going to show you exactly which courses you can invest your hard earned money into so that you are able to learn how to sing.

But, before I do that I would like you to read the importance of online courses first. Here.

Now, as to which courses are the ones you ought to go to and which one is my preference you can find it all here.

If you haven’t invested in one, I would strongly recommend you to have at least one. Whatever you do, I hope you become a better singer.

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