How to Go From Classical Singing to Pop?

So, you’ve decided to go from classical singing to pop. That’s wonderful, you’ll find that modern genres like pop are evolving and are quite technical in their own way.

The biggest distinction between the two genres for singers is going to be the use of technique and rhythm. Beyond this, it is a matter of exposing yourself and your ear to this new genre. The more you absorb it the more literate you become in it.

This is going to be the basis on which the rest of the article is going to move forward with. There are of course other benefits of learning a genre as well. Let’s read on and find out more!


Technique is how you create a sound in music. Technique is required to be learned and is essentially the thing we practice during our practice sessions to become better musicians.

For singers, this means practicing correct breathing which in turn allows them to sing the phrases correctly with proper technique. 

As you can imagine the techniques required in classical singing differ a little bit from pop singing but not to the point where it is a completely new art form. This means that most of the time the techniques that are required in either genre are the same. 

Think about the differences between the two genres and you will realize that it’s not about the notes that you sing but mostly how you sing them (technique) there is one more important factor that differentiates between genres.

A Word on Rhythm

All musical genres have twelve notes. There is no denying that.

The way they differ from each other is not the notes that they play but how (technique) we play and when (rhythm) we play them.

Of course, there is a lot to say about harmonies and harmonic structures that are known to provide the backbone for certain musical structures but in reality, harmony is much more variable and fluid than compared to rhythm within the confines of a genre. In other words, easier to make a genre sound like a genre by using its rhythm rather than its harmonic structures.

So the importance of rhythm becomes even more apparent as you try to go from one genre to another. You sing the same notes but being a master of rhythm will allow you to sing songs in every genre. I have written extensively about it here.

I hope you understand how powerful the use of rhythm is in music, for singers being the lead in everything, they tend to forget the importance of rhythm, I hope you will strive to study rhythm not just in isolation but as a whole in music as well.

It Maybe Easier

I say maybe because there are certain pop songs that can be really tough to sing. Technically and rhythmically.

But for the majority of the part, you will find that singing pop songs after learning classical singing is much easier for you.  And that picking up this new genre of pop will be a matter of exposure and listening and listening to a lot of this new genre.

Your playlist really defines what you are going to write like just like how you take up other people’s way of speaking and explaining sometimes.

Exposure Means Being Better

I am glad that you’ve decided to pick up a new genre but one of the main reasons this is going to be more beneficial to anything is because of the exposure it will provide to you.

The more exposed you are to various different genres of music the more educated you are. If reading is the edification of the mind of a reader then listening to various genres is the same for a musician. Whether it may come in the form of listening or actually being able to perform the songs. Adding performance capability makes you more proficient.

You can only compose and write songs to the degree of your playlist.  What I mean by that is if you have never heard a sound and you have never heard a certain type of music before, it is very rare that you will be able to recreate it without prior exposure to it.

And as performers, having knowledge of different genres is going to allow us to be better equipped for performing in real-life situations.

More Fun

Plus it is more fun which is the whole point of learning music.

The more types of songs that you can sing the more experienced you are and in real life that means you can express yourself and more than one way and you are not bound by any ideas, including a genre.

You might already be trained or you might not be but I have written extensively on why you should have at least one online course in your library for you to follow at all times.

Now if you are coming from being classically trained as a vocalist I think there is nothing that you would learn that is new but there are certain things that will help you become better at singing pop and modern songs.

Do You Want to Learn to Sing?

If you’re coming from a classical background and are expecting to learn something new then I would suggest looking at online courses and I have taken a whole article just to tell you their importance. You can read all about it here.

And just like the article I have also made a page that talks about all the courses that you could ever need if you ever were to make a transition from one genre to another. You can read about it here.

All the best and don’t forget to practice or read other articles here!

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