You want to know if you have it within yourself to sound good while singing or if you‘ve been practicing for a while and you’re curious about where you stand.
The best way to tell if you can sing well is going to be your ability to listen. If you can distinguish with your ear parts of a song and how they relate to each other then listening to your voice in isolation will confirm to your ears if you’re singing well or not.
But, why is it important? It’s important because when you’re making creative decisions with your songs or in the studio you need to rely on your own judgment. Let’s read on ahead to know more.
Develop Your Ear
The definitive way to know that you are able to sing well is by having a really good ear.
Nothing in comparison will ever come close to the importance of this one skill. There are other skills I’ve talked about ahead but this one is going to be the one that sticks out and defines everything.
Record Yourself
The best way to see that you are able to sing well is by recording yourself. I have written an article and why believe that everyone should learn at least some music production. It also gives you the ability to do all of your audio experimentation at home.
When you hear your own singing played back through monitors or headphones you can get a very good estimate of how well you sing. Whether it is in terms of singing in pitch or having the right technique or just being able to sing the right words!
Nothing in comparison is going to beat having the ability to record yourself and having a really good ear. These two skills combined together are going to ensure that every time that you share your song with other people you sound what you want to sound like. Whether it may be to a producer or to another band that you wish to join or even when you’re making a YouTube cover.
It is only when you hear yourself back that you are able to decide whether or not you will like it and if you have a goal in mind you can always correct your mistakes and make sure that what you are singing adheres to that end goal or not.
By end goal I mean, if you have a song that you are trying to match your pitch with or if you’re having some vocal exercises that you have to practice.
Compare Yourself
If you record yourself and you recorded yourself singing a song that you like I will suggest taking it back to the original source and comparing the voices between yours and the original. It’s just for comparing, no one, and especially me would expect you to sound exactly like the song you’re covering.
What this will allow you to do is to compare whether or not you are able to sing in such a way that is pleasing to the ears. I also suggest recording yourself because there is a bias when it comes to playing by yourself. for most beginners, it is quite shocking how they sound when they first hear their own recorded voices.
You realize your mistakes and you are horrified. For me, it was just horrible.
The only thing to gain from here is how you can improve certain things about your voice and from there you will be able to get good at singing which will lead you to know whether or not you are able to sing well from the first time you began.
It’s like a time capsule of your progress.
Sing Better
If however, you find yourself are your singing lacking then there is only one way to get out of this rut.
It is to learn how to sing better.
And the way that I say that you can actually do that is through online courses have written extensively another article here.
There is no mystery that accounts for how you can get better at this. At the end of the article, I have included several links that will take you to online courses which I think are the best for you to learn singing from.
But if you feel no need to get an online course just yet I suggest the only thing you can start doing is to practice!
In another article, I have explained why just 30 minutes a day of practice can help you tremendously. You can read it here.
To sum it up the quality of practice and how much your practice are the only determining factors. Of course, you need to know what you need to practice in advance and for that, I really suggest following a curriculum of sorts.
Learn Music Production
If you develop your ear and allotted how to record yourself these two factors are just starting to come together and you will realize that audio and music production is not that far away from each other.
The reason is that you ought to learn music production! Because it is a good teacher of how to distinguish between what is good singing and what is not.
Another form of ear training but not just limited to just hearing whether are notes are on the pitch but whether it sounds good as a whole, which producers can tell immediately.
But most importantly….
How Can You Get Better?
I understand when people have questions and if you had a question about knowing if you sound good when singing, there is also a doubt in your head asking you, how can you learn to sing better?
I have already shared the link to another article telling you the benefits of online courses but in reality, I believe that it is important for you to know which courses are going to get you to that next level of singing, which you deserve.
I hate hoarding knowledge, I believe if you have the will to know you should know. Here is a list of all the courses that I believe are going to help you tremendously with your singing. Check them out and learn from them.
Until next time, take care and keep practicing!