You live in an apartment and now you’re wondering how you can practice singing. I know the hassles you go through because I’ve been there myself and I think I might some tips for you to take.
The key to practicing singing in an apartment is to find the time to do it and have your own space. Being quiet isn’t necessarily ideal for practicing and it’s better to let others know what you’re up to if you don’t want them to be surprised.
Agreed, it’s easier said than done but let’s keep on reading as I have laid out more things for you to know to make your practice sessions in your confined apartment space worth the time.
Find The Time
Finding time is going to be the biggest hurdle you’ll have to cross in order to get to practice.
If you have someone you’re sharing an apartment with then it is best to let them know that you’re a singer and that you see yourself practicing at a certain time of the day. The same applies if you have neighbors. Of course, some neighbors aren’t worth telling so at your discretion do what you have to and tell people on a need-to-know basis.
If four in the morning is the best time you can have to practice then I suggest you take a leap for it because practicing in the morning is the best thing that can happen to someone. Conversely, if you can go somewhere early in the morning to practice that’s great too.
I used to get up at 4 o’clock and have a solid practice session while I was in music college. I continued that routine even after college and I have to say it was one of the best things that I could’ve done to myself for my musical growth.
If you’re living alone then it’s all good unless you have really thin walls.
Funny story, it is precisely for productivity reasons that I shifted everything online (work-wise) and moved to a far more rural area to figure stuff out and in all honesty, it was worth it.
How Much Something Is Worth To You?
Now, after a few key incidents in my life, I have a certain newfound belief. If you want something bad enough you will find ways to do it. That includes singing and finding creative ways to practice. I have written another article explaining why 30 minutes of practice is still good enough.
Given that you do it consistently.
The point I am trying to make is this, I know sometimes landlords and neighbors aren’t the best people and there is virtually no real way to choose the right place and your landlord’s temperament.
So, we try to make the best of our situation. Be creative, as all singers are, and try to find ways to practice singing.
When done right humming will allow you to feel your vocal cords open up and try to match a pitch. But, unfortunately, that’s all it’s good for. Sure, you can compose while humming but that’s about it.
In order to practice proper techniques of singing, you must practice the proper techniques of singing. Humming is great but it stands alone in its quest to make you a better singer.
So, good for practicing while you’re in traffic (you can sing as well) but don’t rely on it to make you a better singer. Rely on a good practice routine. See the end of the article to see how you can become a better singer.
Preparing Your Practice in Advance
The best thing you can do for yourself is to prepare your practice sessions in advance. If and when you do get to practice you have to make every second count. This means you have to be aware of what you have to practice and can’t really go in blind in practice sessions.
Don’t assume that you will be able to ‘make up’ for lost practice sessions by sitting for four hours on the weekend. Your practice has to be consistent, even if it is just 30 minutes a day.
Preparing in advance is going to help a lot. The best way to know what you have to practice in advance is to have a course you can follow. Unlike regular in-person classes, you can easily go through an online course. For a fraction of the cost and time.
Online Courses Would Help Tremendously
Online courses are the way to go. I can’t emphasize their importance of them enough. The value they provide in our lives is something like the revolution of the likes of the printing press. We just need to know where to find a good course that’s all.
They will allow you to study what you have to practice and even teach you how to do things. This means when the time for you to practice finally comes, you will have exactly what you need.
I have written an article just about why online courses are better. I think you should give it a thorough read because if you’re really serious about learning to sing, this can actually help you a lot.
I have been in your place but even after everything, the most important things will always be…
Which Course to Buy?
Obviously, knowing which course to buy is the next logical thing and I think you will also be very pleased that I have made a dedicated page just for this so that you are able to not just see what a course may offer but, my recommendation and what other skills within singing you can specialize in yourself.
You can find the page, right here. Have fun and don’t forget to enjoy yourself.