Do you sing from your nose? Do you breathe through it too? In singing that’s weird. But there is an easy fix for that and by the end of the article, you will have solved your issues as well.
The number one reason why people sound nasally in their singing is because of their improper technique. Once the proper techniques are learned it is only a matter of practice to perfect them and your singing will never sound nasally again!
There are a lot of things that I need to talk about regarding technique and it’s what a wonderful world it’s going to open for you when you have the power of using it correctly! Let’s begin!
What is Technique
Technique is how a musician makes a sound. In terms of singing, this would mean changing your facial structure and your posture to create a sound that can be can only be achieved with that particular way of doing things.
Whether you’re singing from the chest or the head voice you employ different techniques to get the different types of sounds.
A great example of technique in modern instruments is the bass guitar. Go to YouTube and listen to a bass guitar cover of one of your favorite songs. Then listen to a bass guitar slapping. Then a bass guitar with a plectrum. Then a bass guitar using tapping.
The same instrument is able to create multiple sounds while having the same physical limitations of its body and frets. The only thing that changed is the technique. Pretty impressive.
So if you are singing from your nose and you sound nasally the reason for that is improper technique. You have to remember like the bass guitar you still have the same function of the vocal cords just like any other human being. So the only thing that is making your singing sound nasal is definitely improper technique.
Nothing to be worried about. We all have something to work on! Let’s keep going!
How You Developed it In The First Place
The only way you could’ve developed such an improper technique of singing through the nose is going to be from not getting a better education. I don’t mean a college degree but decent singing lessons to begin with.
It happens to other musicians as well, has happened to me and it definitely does happen in other areas of life as well. Runners and joggers can develop an improper technique that hinders them to run. Not common but it’s possible.
At the end of the article, I have given you resources on how you can improve your singing. Including your technique!
Why is It Important?
It is important to develop a technique because it allows you to create various sounds. In reality, you don’t just employ one technique in one song. You learn multiple techniques and throughout one song you may use all the techniques that you know. It’s possible.
A common example that is much easier to understand is of the guitarist taking a solo and starting to do some tapping when he wasn’t when the song first began. A very rudimentary example but an example nonetheless.
Some parts of the song may use your chest voice and some will ask you to sing from your head voice.
It’s like verse and chorus! The energy you are going to sing the verses will generally be far less powerful than the ones you are using in the chorus!
You need more breath for choruses and a far more open voice for you to sing. You achieve these different results by changing your techniques and all in one song!
Develop Better Technique
You might be wondering how you can develop a better technique and rightly so because of how your practice is in the way that you are able to make a sound from your vocal cords. By changing your posture and by changing your facial structure.
all these things need to be learned and it all comes down to practice.
It’s About Practice
You see it is in practice that you are made aware of what you ought to do and what you are doing wrong given the same technique. When your teacher is able to produce a certain quality of a sound from their vocal cords and you are not then you know that it is your practice that is lacking in developing that technique to make that sound.
But the real question is how do you know how to practice?
My answer to the solution is online lessons. A great deal about them in this article here.
The reason I say this is important is that they are able to teach you not just how to breathe on what technique will work but teaching your singing as a whole which is the end goal of practice.
The quality of online lessons has come really far in the past five years.
Imagine teaching you singing from the beginning till the end or any technique for that matter is beyond the scope of this article. So here is something that I think will help you a lot more in the long run with your singing.
Here Is How You Can Get Better
I have already told and shared the link to an article that tells you about the benefits of getting an online course. But which one?
Before you read ahead, I know these courses work as long as you do your part, you can really improve on a level that you didn’t think was possible. All the benefits of an online course you can ever have. Here is the page to that, I have also included the prices so there’s more transparency.
All the best in your journey to becoming a better singer!