Is any career good for anyone? Why do we do things that we do? These mysteries aren’t really mysteries if you take some time out to understand what makes a good career ‘good’.
Singing is only a good career if you try to make it so for yourself. There is more than one single way to reach whatever career goal you have in mind and rather than focusing on the money you should focus on creating genuine value for other people.
Because it is in the helping of people that you will find a great deal of satisfaction in doing your work, even if you charge money for it. Let’s read on ahead.
Wrong Question
No career is good or bad. It is made so by the person who does it.
If you perceive a particular thing that you do for money for a noble cause then it is noble for you. Though this is not a philosophy-related article the prerequisite to making singing a good career is for you to believe that it is.
If somebody else has to come along and tell you that it is a good career then it simply will not work. The conviction must always come from your own personal beliefs.
Do you think that when you ask these questions to professional artists they will say “No”? Or do you think people who make millions of dollars each year because they sing will say they don’t like it? Do you think it will be a bad career for them? No.
In almost all scenarios anyone who is successful with their singing career will never tell you that it is a bad one. Unless of course, they have personal experiences that will make them say otherwise.
Money Is Tough
But the truth of the reality is that making money in any artistic endeavor is quite a difficult task but it is not impossible.
You need to know a lot of people you also need to have the right skills to pull this one off because all the people who are successful in this business are only a handful.
And not all of them are singers.
There is no in-between really because you think about good and great pop stars or rock stars they are either known or they are no nobodies.
So the money reflects that as well. Because either you make a ton of money or you don’t. If you have that doubt that you will not make enough money by being famous then you are probably right.
There are some things that you can do to remedy this and on this website, I encourage people to take up other skills other than singing in order to have a better understanding of music which by the way will help you not only just as a musician but to even make money in this field.
These things are becoming good at music production. That’ll be the number thing that saves you the most money.
It’s a Difficult Industry
The first and foremost thing is you need to understand how this industry works.
It works a lot on you knowing the right people and even then is not guaranteed that it will work out. But it is a prerequisite to being successful in this industry.
The way you go about it will be your own because you are the only kind of person that has ever built and in reality, if you are antisocial in a creative field it does not really work out.
Creative people who are antisocial are good at their craft.
So we have come across something known as a contradiction because, in order to become famous, you need to be able to be with people.
But in order to create good art, you need to be without people.
True creativity requires isolation and focus.
How to remedy it
The best way to remedy this contradiction is to look at people in a certain way.
What you need to understand is that you provide value to other people and in return, they will provide value to you.
So if you are coming to them as an artist, which is probably the first way to look at relationships, you are providing them an opportunity by giving yourself as someone who will make them money.
They internally put in the resources; which may come in the form of studios, labels, and knowing the right people so that they are able to benefit from your craft as well.
They are not family and they are not friends. They are someone you work with.
But in reality, they work as people who you need to treat and act as if you care about them and you should because a good person does truly care about other people and we are able to distinguish who is true to us and who is not.
Based on that we go forward in artistic industries as being trustworthy or not. Having someone’s trust can mean getting a good deal versus not getting a good deal at all. But that is not all that is the social side of things and of course, I’ve already explained how you can get your creative juices flowing.
Best Way to Have Singing as a Career
But if you remember earlier in the article I said on this website I tell people to become musicians in a much more rounded way than before.
That is still true.
I encourage singers to pick up music production at home and ear training and other instruments. Because not as long as you are still interested in the idea of music, you are still allowing yourself to become better at it.
So the same thing applies to your singing. Of course, you can make it isolated. You can make it just about you singing and selling your songs and getting money for it from getting views on YouTube or anything else. But that is too one-sided in these times.
The reality is you need to diversify within the music itself.
What I mean by that is if you are a singer you can also be a teacher who teaches singing and you can also be someone who can guide people on other things related to singing (counseling) and you need to find creative ways not just in your own craft but in life to make money.
Let me tell you something about entrepreneurship. It’s being creative. That’s it. Find something you can do and sell it to the people knowing that you are providing them value. You’d be surprised about how many things you can solve for other people.
So this way you create value for other people in various ways the more successful you will be. Yes, it sounds a little entrepreneurial when you think about this but in reality, you have to be creative with what you want to do, and in turn, you can make a good career out of not just singing but everything you put your mind to.
So while being famous may not be for everyone, creating value for others through a particular skill is for everyone; including you, me, and anyone else.
I believe I have created value for other people by making this website where I give honest advice and tell people what they can do to improve their lives regarding singing.
You on the other hand can do whatever you want in whatever creative ways you can come up with. You might even think about doing it for free or you might even charge people for your expertise.
You can also start your own digital course for singing or anything else that you have an interest in.
You can find creative ways to make singing a good career for you.
Remember at the start of the article I said the conviction needs to come from within you, not from anyone else. I really hope that you are able to find the conviction that singing is a good career for you and you are able to find ways that you can create value for other people.
Best Online Course to Buy
Online courses are a gift to someone who is just eager to learn and I have already written an article about it here. You can go and check it out for yourself.
To stop beating around the bush, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the way to go when it comes to owning a single course that is going to teach you everything there is to know. So knock yourself out and learn like hell.
By the way, there are a few more courses by the same teacher if you’d like to explore them, you can check them out here.
Have fun!