Is Singing Bad For Your Voice?

I actually speak a lot more than I sing in a day but knowing how and whether singing hurts your voice may or may not surprise you with what actually does and doesn’t.

Singing doesn’t hurt for voice. Learning to sing is a matter of learning the techniques behind it and if learned properly you will never come close to hurting your voice. Unsuccessfully doing it will result in your voice having soreness and can lead to learning the correct technique in the future by correcting them unnecessarily.

So, avoid learning bad techniques and continue reading to know more about how and why singing really is harmless to your amazing voice.

Why Singing Isn’t Bad For Your Voice

Singing doesn’t damage your voice.

While there are similarities which I have outlined in another article here. It doesn’t change the fact that singing requires very specific skills that make it very distinguished by itself and cannot be taken as a replacement for other skills.

To make it more clear, singing is so and very far from your speaking voice that even if you tried you couldn’t hurt one by using the other.

Because of this, singing requires deliberate practice, and that in turn allows you to grow better as a singer.

Take a walk of thought with me, if you become ten times better with your singing, would you speak differently? Would your accent change? 

Exactly, it won’t change anything about your speaking voice.

So why worry about it?

However, if you don’t practice the worst of all will happen.

Your singing voice will remain where it is while you sound the same as you sing.

Certain People Don’t Ask This Question

I want you to take a moment and understand this, certain people don’t ask this question. Can you think of whom I’m talking about?

It’s professional singers. From pop to rock stars, nobody ever comes out saying or complaining about the fact that singing has hurt their speaking voice.

As I said before, they’re interchangeable and people who do it for a living don’t suffer from it either.

So, there’s even less for you to worry about. But there are a few key things I can think of that you should start worrying about. 

Music, ear training, and music production are a few of them.

All of these things are going to help you become a better musician and as a result a better singer. Without these musicians and singers are heading nowhere. It’s like having the message but not having a medium through which you can convey what you have to say.

Practicing Too Much or Wrongly

Though, there are two things that I would like to say that can hinder your speaking voice temporarily from singing.

I honestly believe that four hours in a day is enough, you still would have to build it up to that, and not just something you can start to do immediately.

But, if you practice too much you will end up hurting your voice and you can end up with a sore throat.

It can also happen when you practice things with improper technique.

Now, all throughout this website, I say a lot about technique and there is nothing that is going to stop me from preaching it, technique is what you practice for.

Technique is how you make a sound in music and for all your practicing you will end up practicing technique, however, practicing it wrongly or practicing techniques that are wrong are going to throw you off and may once again, give you pain.

But that’s about it, there isn’t more to it than that, so whatever you do make sure you learn well (resources at the end of the article) and you practice hard!

Importance of Good Technique

One of the main reasons I promote this is because the sooner you learn about the importance of technique the more seriously you will take care of yourself in practice and also become knowledgeable.

The moment you are able to do something in singing that you weren’t able to before you will essentially become knowledgeable and will be to not just guide yourself but others as well.

Also, it allows you to sing correctly which in turn makes you a really good singer.

Develop Good Habits for Singing

I think it’s important to establish habits in small doses with minimal difficulty so that you are able to overcome them and are able to turn them into actual habits you can rely on your progress comes with no mental fatigue.

Learning well leads to practicing well.

So learn really well.

And try to learn correctly from the get-go because they require double correction in the future.

Once for knowing that you have gone wrong and the second for learning the correct one. 

This leads me to say this, there are tons of resources out there for you from where you can learn how to sing but in reality, not all of them give you the quality that you deserve to have.

YouTube will eventually lead you down the randomness coaster and you will be lost doing something that is way above what you ought to do and that’s why I believe in online courses.

They also cost a fraction of what private classes cost and also allow you to watch your lessons from any corner of the world at your own convenience.

Learning to Sing

Learning to sing is the only thing that will be the determining factor in whether you’re able to do it properly. It is beyond these articles to show you how to actually sing. I have done my part, which was of informing and educating you of the truth.

Now it is time to actually learn. My preferred method of learning is through online courses.

I prefer and give this course to anyone who asks where they can learn to sing. ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’, check it out and make your decision. There is also a dedicated page where you can check out all the prices along with the general outline of the course!

All courses are made and presented by Robert Lunte, you can see all of the courses here.

I hope whatever you do, you may become a really good singer.

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