We’ve had online learning for quite a while now, long enough to know the possibility of learning online has always been an “option”. We could do it if we wanted to. No pressure, no doubts.
Online courses are better because they save you time, money and have no barrier of entry regarding location or skill. Also, you’re allowed to own most courses for perpetuity while you support your teacher with a minimal fee they charge for a course that takes them years to build.
You’re probably wondering how online courses can help you save so much whilst being affordable. The answer lies in knowing how they benefit you in comparison to a traditional method – the private classes. Let us begin!
The Four Big Saves
Online courses save time in two ways
First, by allowing you to watch your course any time of the day.
This means you are free to choose when you watch your course, with convenience at your doorstep.
Second, pace it yourself!
You can go as fast and as slow as you want. A lot of the time you’d have to see a vocal exercise over and over again. In a traditional class, you may upset a teacher but not with these courses. You can watch whatever you want as many times as you want.
Online courses save you the hassle of location by allowing you to learn from anywhere in the world.
I am currently enrolled in a mathematics course at a college in Canada while sitting at the other end of the world. This means someone with better singing skills and years of experience is willing to teach me via pre-recorded videos and I don’t have to lift my leg for a single step.
Chances are, you might not even have the luxury to attend a private vocal lesson locally!
Online courses save you money by allowing you to spend a fraction of a private session!
Google how much private lessons cost in your area, you’d be lucky if anyone is willing to give you hours of teaching for under $300. On the other hand, online courses rarely exceed that amount.
They save you the need of having skill by allowing you to begin from any skill level.
One of my friends was in a piano class and after a while he noticed something odd. Every other student was better than him at the piano and he was just a beginner. The class favored the average ability of the students rather than my friend, who was just a beginner. I think this is an evil in the way music is taught in classes these days also, no one will admit it happens until you are there to experience it for yourself. Online courses eliminate this.
Finally, you save time, money, and the location by…
Saving Yourself The Commute
Any commute requires not just time but money and the correct location. The combination of all three aligning is like waiting for Haley’s comet. It doesn’t happen that often!
Just as an experiment, sit and calculate how much it would cost in time and money alone to attend a singing lesson in private.
Bonus Save – The Teacher Temperament
I have nothing but huge respect for people when they give their knowledge for me to learn from. I wouldn’t have invested the money that I have if I didn’t have faith in them. But…
I also can’t deal with a teacher whose temperament is not keen on my inquisitiveness, question, and curiosity.
It’s very easy to find yourself stuck between rigid methods of teaching and forgetting that at the end of the day singing is an art.
I say this from personal experience, only after having the teacher’s opinion and temperament removed from my shoulders was I able to peacefully return to my practice and constant growth.
(This does not apply to everyone and I understand that if you don’t agree with it)
Can Online Vocal Courses Actually Work?
All this hype about how great online courses are in general, but I can assure you that they work for sure.
The determining factor in anyone’s success in any field regardless of what medium they choose to learn from is YOU. The one doing it. Artistic endeavors need to be practiced in order to be confident in your abilities.
Here is a post in which I talk about how 30 minutes a day can show you real results.
I have bought multiple online courses and am not just limited to vocal training either. After years of owning different online courses, they weigh their value in gold. I have bought them from high-end sites and from Udemy for under $10 too. I love each and every one of them.
How Do You Trust The Course?
The logic is this, when someone sells their course and does a mediocre job they will be wary of selling it because they are aware of their shortcoming and will not market it strongly.
Conversely, if someone really has gone through the hoops of teaching others how to sing and has failed and refined and really made their teaching system bulletproof will be brave in their marketing and approaching possible students.
If you see the course is lacking something while it is presenting itself then it most probably is but if you look at the product/course and find yourself thinking, “Yeah, I can benefit from this” then you should take the leap.
Refund Policy
In case you find yourself in the odd chance of thinking that you’ve made a mistake with your purchase then there is always the option of refunding it. Their loss, not yours.
Remember, you’re the customer.
How Much Should You Spend on an Online Singing Course?
Online singing courses can start free and go sky high.
The average cost you should be looking to spend is $20-200.
$20 getting you something that will get you going and $200 for you having everything included in it.
In this amount, you ought to get everything you need to know, and should be a one-stop shop for your progress in your vocal training. Some music college classes are worth $500 each.
You shouldn’t go for free courses. Free courses are good to get a general idea but will most likely not provide full in-depth knowledge like you would in a paid course.
If you’re planning to go beyond the $100 then it’s probably best you get all the information from the seller as possible.
Which Course to Buy?
As you can imagine, there is a wonderful list for us to choose from all, and guess what?
THEY’RE ALL ONLINE! WHAT LUCK! Just adding the enthusiasm here but you get the idea.
The top pick of my choice is found over on the ‘learn to sing‘ page that I’ve made specifically for you to buy a course.
I own a copy of ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’. It really works!
I believe it does everything that I expect it to do and its price is hard to beat. It can bring you all the benefits of an online course and will serve you well. Very well.