Singers Diet?

Is one diet better than anything else for singers? Does eating dairy affect my voice? Should I avoid certain things?

Diet and singing have very less in common. There is no evidence to show that one thing matters more than the other when it comes to real-life world experience. The most important part is still going to be your practice routine and your dedication to your craft.

Of course, let’s dive a little bit deeper and find what might be a healthier way to look at diet and singing!

Health First

Always remember to keep your health as your top priority. It doesn’t matter what kind of diet you follow as long as you’re healthy. Which as you can imagine is the sole purpose of a diet.

No diet based on religion or otherwise is ever against going the body. So, if you’re serious about your diet and health, follow your heart.

Keep the End Goal in Mind

There is no point talking about a singer’s diet if it doesn’t get you what you want. People diet for many reasons. Whatever your choice is you should know that as long as you’re eating healthy it will not affect your singing adversely.

If it doesn’t get what you want and doesn’t nourish your body, that’s the only time a diet would be going against your singing. But, if your end goal is to sing better then I can assure you your diet isn’t going to be the most determining factor in your singing. It’ll be your ability to sing.

Which can only be improved with practice. Deliberate practice. Even 30 minutes of singing practice is really good given that you do dedicate 30 minutes of singing practice with the pre-planned routine of what you ought to do.

Time is something very precious and something we can only give away everyone gets 30 minutes and it’s a matter of creating a habit out of it and allowing it to settle in your life. If you keep this up for a year or so, your singing would be way better. If you’re planning on becoming better than and more than a hobbyist then you will see tremendous benefits from being able to sing effectively. 

We Do Things That Are Wrong, Willingly

I used to enjoy junk food way too much but I’ve learned how to keep a leash on it. I occasionally do indulge myself in such pleasure but it is nothing serious at the moment.

In the long run, you typically want to consume more healthy food than not. Though diet may not be the most damaging thing to your voice. Overall, you should strive to learn how to manage your diet within the confines of your beliefs and habits.

Habits are far worse when they go unnoticed.

The reason I am bringing this up is that after I read ‘Atomic Habits’ I kind of realized that bad habits can form and take a shape in our life that we may not even notice them.

They can grow into very big problems and as time passes by they can become a nuisance rather than something we can rely on. But, the opposite is also true. And I find that most people do have certain good habits and certain bad habits, especially regarding their eating.

I have never consumed alcohol and it’s quite literally a habit to just say ‘no’ now. But, at the same time, any soda that comes my way especially when I am out, I end up drinking more than I should. I was once hospitalized for drinking too much soda, it was nothing severe but it’s kinda hilarious now that I think about it. As I said if unchecked bad habits can form into really bad ones especially if time goes by. 

One good one bad. But, I have to monitor them and try to make them serve me rather than the other way around.

I Do Dairy

I do dairy. A lot. It doesn’t affect my singing one bit.

It’s not something that’s stuck in a belief system but something that I know works for me. At most, it might leave a weird taste in my mouth at best.

The reason I can also say that very confidently is that singing has to do with more about learning how to use your vocal cords ‘better’ than before rather than thinking twice or thrice about what you’re eating and that it may also somehow affect your singing.

If you are not bound by any beliefs then there is nothing stopping you from eating whatever you want, the biggest determiner of your ability to sing well is going to be your practice routine. 

Know How Calories and Macros Work

You shouldn’t take it from me but the biggest thing that impacted my health and my body fat is knowing how macros work. Once you can dial something like that in and implement it in your life then you are able to do whatever you want.

Knowledge really does set you free.

It was based upon this understanding that I was able to do things that I couldn’t do before. It freed up my time and showed me a way to do something that I didn’t think was possible. There are tons of resources available for this but if you want to read it for yourself then I will suggest you read the ‘Bigger, Leaner, Stronger’ and if you’re a female ‘Thinner, Leaner, Stronger’ by Michael Matthews.

Beyond the Diet

When all things are said and done the only thing remaining to see and how you can make a difference for yourself is in the small acts you take for yourself. You can always choose to do better with both your body and your habits.

I want to take your attention and give it to this article I have written about online courses. Why they’re great and what you can achieve with them.

I have also made a whole page dedicated to the various courses you can buy and invest your time and money into learning to sing better.

Believe me, it’s worth it.

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