What are the things you must carry in order to be able to sing? Do you need anything or shouting at the top of your lungs work? You’d be surprised how much and how little you need in order to sing.
Singers don’t require anything to practice other than their own voice. Even when the venue changes for a live or studio performance a singer doesn’t require anything and most of the time all things are provided. Only in the context of recording yourself at home, you’d need hardware.
But how and what does it all mean? Let’s read on ahead and learn how things actually work.
None at All
Regarding the actual things that you need to start singing, there are literally none, other than your own voice. Which I’m assuming you have.
If you have a voice then you can start to sing. In the beginning, when you’re first starting out you may not sing as well but in reality, you don’t need anything more.
That is one of the beauties of being a singer. You don’t have to carry a guitar, you don’t have to carry a piano, you don’t have to carry anything, all you need is already with you at all times.
Of course, as your needs change to be effective in different environments and situations you may require additional hardware.
But just for singing and just for myself, singing does not require anything else but what your imagination can offer you to sing and your voice to give it meaning.
Different Goals
Though as your goals change and your needs along with them, the things that will be required for singing will change as well.
For example – when you are performing live, you can’t just stand there on the stage and start singing to the top of your lungs because that is not the proper technique to do any type of singing, even metal.
So you will definitely need a system that will allow you and your skills to be translated to the speakers so that the audience can hear you well and how you intend to sing.
So both the parties which are – you the singer and the audience who is the listener, can get an optimal experience out of your performance.
And in that case, a singer really has nothing to do other than grab the mic. And in this case, the mic is the requirement.
But other than that there is none; which if you now think about it – both when you are singing for yourself and when you are performing live for people. The needs of a singer are actually quite less compared to a guitarist. A lot of things for a guitarist to do for something that is not even the main feature of the band or the show. Just a joke.
The point I am trying to make is in both scenarios the singer they have it easy compared to other people by a long shot.
Home Recording
But the challenge goes to 11 when you are trying to record yourself at home. Now all of a sudden everything that is given to you when you’re performing live you need to own it for yourself. Or by the person who is having a home studio.
While I have written another article on which app is best for recording yourself, it’s a DAW that allows you to wet your feet in music production as well. I also explain why music production is beneficial not only in the long term but can be done on a small budget however, there is a hardware requirement for it.
So the hardware requirement for home recording is quite simple.
You need a computer that will accept and store the audio files that you will be singing, then you need an audio interface that connects between the mic and the computer, and you need a mic and you need an XLR cable. Do make sure that your audio interface can support phantom power or a 48v toggle switch, which is how mics are powered by the interface, or otherwise condenser mics will not work.
All of the things that I mentioned right now may sound technical at the moment (and quite expensive if you go online and check them out). But even brand new and how long my current hardware is (it’s close to six years old now with my interface being second-hand), it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
But if you go for the second-hand route, you will find that all of these things can be had for a fraction of their original price. I am pretty sure regardless of where you are, you will be able to find all of these things for yourself.
If you want brand new then saving up a little will get you there as well. All of this to say if you want your own recording setup.
Professional Studio
In a professional studio, you are all set.
It’s professional and that means it’s not your job but the studio’s job to make sure they are equipped for everything. So don’t worry about carrying anything from your end.
Your drummer may need some help.
Why I Didn’t Include Anything Else
And that kind of concludes it because other than this a singer doesn’t put himself into any kind of situation where there is a hardware requirement.
Either they are at home singing by themselves for which they require nothing but their own voice or they are at their home recording themselves for which they do require a computer and interface and mic.
If singers are performing live, regardless of whether they are performing at a cafe or anywhere else the only thing singers might bring along other than themselves is an instrument to accompany them. But that is not the scope of this article.
But even in the case of a singer bringing something, like an instrument along with them to perform live, that is it because you will be provided the sound system and the mics that are required to make your live performance happen.
The next time you go out to sing live, always remember and look at other instrumentalists and pity them. They don’t have it as easy as you.
Learn to Sing!
The best way for you to learn how to sing is through online courses and I have covered the importance of them here. You should definitely try to check them out and read through the article once.
If you’re on the same wavelength as me then you ought to check out this course.
‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte.
There are many other courses on offer and I think you will find them useful if you’re looking for something specific, here.
Whatever you do, please have at least one good singing course in your library to rely on!