You just need one resource in order to get started with singing and what it is may or may not surprise you but it’s something you already have.
Time is the only thing that you need to have to start singing. Time to practice, understand, reflect, and time to improve upon all that you have done. This cycle makes sure that with time you are able to see steady gains being translated from your practice to your singing.
Don’t underestimate the power of time when it comes to becoming better at singing. It may be the only thing that you may require but it will definitely help you as well.
Time to Practice
Time is the great equalizer, the bridge between you being a young person to you being old. How you use it for the little things matter a lot.
Time is the only currency that you can use in practice.
Anything that you want to do can be done only in a specific amount of time even when you don’t know how long it’s going to take. It’s the only determining factor from which you can understand if you’ll be successful at anything.
Including starting to sing.
When you first start out learning to sing the majority of the time that you ought to be doing is practicing by yourself. At least until you’re out of the beginner phases.
The more you concentrate and try to get the most out of your time when you are practicing the better investment it’ll be for your time and your singing.
The way you make the most out of your time is through deliberate practice. Deliberate practice says that you have the right understanding of what you’re doing and where you’re headed so that you can make the most of your time now.
The more deliberate practice you have the better off you will be. Even if it is 30 minutes of practice a day for five days a week.
That is the power of time.
A Word on Practice
Practice has an end, I just want to tell you that when you’re first starting out you should solely focus on this for a while until you feel decently comfortable with the basics at the very least.
Time to Understand
There is a decent amount of understanding that you need to have about singing that you must accumulate as you are progressing through singing.
This is the knowledge that you need to practice as well.
There is two good news associated with this.
First, it’s not difficult to understand.
You need to know how singing works and what techniques are employed in conjunction with music theory and ear training and your singing so that you are able to see them as a whole and have the ability to break them down into parts if the need arises.
It may sound tough, but believe me, it’s not. It’s about gathering this knowledge one bit at a time. Just like practice.
Second, you can outpace your actual skills.
By this, I mean that you are able to go way far ahead than what you are currently able to do. It is possible to understand high theoretical concepts about harmony and how it works without getting your singing or your ear to that level.
This is how you will determine whether you are going in the right direction or not. Think about it, if you already know something but you are not able to do it, you will obviously practice for it.
But without the knowledge, you will not be able to pull it off much less even know what to do in your practice.
You need time to understand.
Time to Reflect
Now, you’ve practiced and you have spent time gathering the knowledge and understanding how things work, it is now time to reflect.
You can only reflect when you have done the previous two things. Without it, there is no reflection to be had about your singing because there has been no practice done.
With this, you are given insight into how you are progressing along your practice and whether or not what you’re doing is working out or not. I suggest giving yourself at least a month of practice and understanding.
I think they should be brief moments, like a day out in the week and perhaps over the weekends. Just something for you to think about. If the practice is becoming easier if there are barriers that have become easier to cross but still can’t be done yet.
Whether your practice is matching your understanding and whether is putting you in a better position or not.
You need time to reflect to see if your practice and underlying knowledge are making you better or not.
Time to Improve Upon
This leads us back to the start actually. Where you are going to start practicing again but this time you’re going to through it through a lens that you have not seen yourself before.
This experience could be of minor success and perhaps even a complete failure. But it will be an experience nonetheless. Most probably a mix of small successes and small failures.
Improve upon your failures and build on your successes. Small wins go a very long way.
Art Transforms a Person
I mentioned having time to reflect.
It’s going to surprise you that if you do something like this over and over again, you will find yourself becoming a different person altogether.
There is some quality of being invested in the art that is not there otherwise. It’s a beautiful system through which we work and understand everything there is to make sense of.
For this reason, I don’t want you to get lost in the wilderness of unlimited knowledge. I can guide you.
Learning to Sing
I honestly think that everyone should have at least one online course for singing in their library.
To make it easier for you, I would recommend this, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’. You can read here why I believe in online courses so much.
These lessons are provided to you by Robert Lunte, a very famous guy now.
If you’re interested in something else (like a specific genre or some other technique), you can find all the courses here.
There is no wrong answer here, just make sure you learn and you will end up becoming a great singer.