What Not to Do When Singing?

There are things we ought to do and then there are things we ought not to. Discerning between the two is where the difference between a good singer and a bad one lies.

Thinking too much during a performance and thinking too little during practice will lead you to not have the right focus when you’re doing both. Deliberate practice is the only cure for this problem which also applies to forgetting your lyrics, which is the worst thing that can happen to you as a singer.

Thoughts, focus, and concentration are all the things you ought to provide when you are going to practice. But let’s see the common things we ought not to do.

Don’t Think Too Much


Before you can think about it try not to.

Because if you do, you’re going to panic.

A sudden realization of what you are doing is going to set in.  And it is going to stop you from singing. It’s like one of those moments when you become aware that you’re in front of a camera, become conscious, and act just a little bit differently. 

I’m pretty sure you know what kind of feeling I am talking about.

The most common situation you’re going to find yourself in when you’re being watched is going to be when you are performing. You need to pay attention to what you’re performing so that you’re able to pull off your intentions with your performance, if you become conscious of anything else, you’re going to lose it.

The best way to avoid thinking too much is to have what you’re performing be so ingrained in yourself that you can do it whenever the time for it strikes. 

You achieve this through practice.

You Must Think in Practice

The opposite is true when you’re practicing though. You have to think and be aware of what you’re practicing.


So you don’t have to when the time finally comes for you to perform. 

Easy as that, pay attention now and figure out all the nuances and hone your weak spots in the songs and you will be well on your way to not thinking too much when the time to perform comes.

Don’t Lose Focus

Never forget your end goal.


When you’re performing you will need to put on a different role altogether. The idea is to entertain people. Whether you agree with it or not, it is.

Whether it’s amusing your parents or your neighbors or showing someone that you are able to sing to a certain level of caliber, the idea is always to entertain and give people a good time.

So, if you’re focus is on getting into a college or impressing someone you like, stick to it. Not done yet because that sounds like bad advice just by itself.

Stick to performing to impress. 

It is an act of your skills, it’s showtime, it’s three minutes into who you are, make the best of it, whether it’s through body movement or expression, never forget, this is your time and you have people’s attention. 

Time to make the most of it.


When you’re practicing remember that you need to do deliberate practice. You must be aware of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

You only have a limited time in a day so you need to make the best use of it.

Don’t lose track. Now’s not the time to lose focus on your goals. Keep at it and become great.

Don’t Forget Your Lyrics

The worst thing that you can do is forget your lyrics.

That’s the one job we have as singers and being bad at it (guilty) is really a bad look. I have done it too many times and luckily, I am not a performer, but I also stand by my word when I said that we sing to entertain, and me forgetting my lyrics is obviously a failure towards that goal.

It’s not a hard thing to do, of course, in times when you are conscious and nervous you tend to forget your lyrics but the only way to overcome that is to avoid it through practice and also by exposing yourself to performing many times.

Eventually, it will come to you and there is nothing to worry about.

I always forget my own lyrics. All the time. I have saved them as files on my computer but I know for a fact that if I practice hard enough I can remember my own songs.

I choose not to because I am not a performer. I can get by it but it sure is weird when people just look at me when I am humming my lyrics rather than singing them. Don’t be like me.

Learn to Sing & Practice Like Hell

But, learning to sing well is something we should all strive for, and given how easy it is to learn something I would argue that not being able to learn to sing well is only a failure on our part.

So, whatever your method may use for learning I would suggest that you take it to heart and practice like hell. Especially at the beginning stages of your singing.

Practicing is the only thing that will make a lasting difference in your singing and having a daily routine even if it’s just for 30 minutes a day will go a long way.

A very long way.

Online Courses

One of the best ways to learn how to sing is through online courses. To the point that I pinned it on the home page of this website. You will find that article here.

But to cut to the chase, I would like to tell you that they absolutely work. They work so well, I have actually well over 40 courses from different disciplines.

The one that worked for me for singing was ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte. You can find all of them here. I have also included the price so you won’t find any surprises later on!

Don’t think too much about it, but I would highly recommend having one, remember, whatever you do, you will become a better singer through good lessons.

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