Which Age is Best for Singing?

Do you need to start singing at the age of 10 to be able to sing better by the time you’re 20? I don’t really think that’s true even when you’re 50.

Age matters very less when you are trying to learn to sing. To rely on age as a way to determine your singing is possibly the worst decision for your musical growth. Time put in practice and the quality of the said practice is the only determining thing of your success at singing.

So don’t worry about age and I know you’re thinking about the competition on some level and allow me to explain everything it is for you to know.

It’s More About Time Than Age

Okay, let’s get this out of the way.

How old you are doesn’t matter when it comes to learning how to sing. The most important thing is how much time you’ve put into learning how to sing.

The Timeline

Okay, let’s say an average child takes five months to be able to sing basic stuff. Starting from no experience at all.

How long will it take for an adult to reach that same goal? Spoiler, this isn’t a maths equation but a logical one.

I think my point is already made and you understand that even if a child took five months you’d at the very least take five months as well to reach that level, if not less.

Why? Because it’s more about putting the time into learning how to sing rather than it is about what age you are.

Age doesn’t matter.


Your next possible question is going to be about competition in one way or another. I am not against competition at all. I would like to which horse is going to finish first too.

But I am wholeheartedly against the idea of competition in fields where competition can virtually not exist. 

How can it not exist in music?

Ever listened to a slow soothing song while having a drive and thought it was relaxing?

Ever had a rock, metal, or even a djent song playing in the background that is matching your rage?

Can you compare the two and make a fine distinction through an accepted standard on which one is better? No one can.

Music and learning how to sing are very much not about competition. 

So let’s get our heads straight and not think about who can sing better than us and finally just do something for ourselves for once.

If You’re Older

You can skip if you’re not an elderly person.

If you’re an older person and have no difficulty hearing and even if you do and you’re not tone deaf, you should pick up singing.

If you have children, learning to sing together could be fun and at the end of the article, there are resources for you to follow from which you can learn how to sing well.

Or with your friends, but progress in the artistic field is an isolated task. To which I say, you’ll be surprised at a side of you that you couldn’t think could have existed.

I mean wouldn’t it be amazing to become a different person a little better and a litter more skillful than you were before? Maybe time has been tough on you and maybe it is time to learn something and feel proud of yourself one more time.

As I said and I have said the same thing in many other articles here already, it is not a matter of your age but how much quality time you have put into singing.

How You Should Practice

If you think this is going to take a long time then you’re going to be wrong.

If you practice 30 minutes a day and five days a week you will see steady growth in your singing. You may not see progress in your singing in a week’s time but most definitely in a month’s time.

But you need to understand something when you are practicing. You need to make the most of your time so that you are not wasting it. It’s a matter of optimization rather than just joking about your progress.

The way you optimize your time is simple.

You get knowledgeable about singing and then you are deliberate about your practice.

The way that being knowledgeable helps you, is if you know how something is done in singing then you will be able to replicate that or strive to do the same exact thing in your practice. Believe me, it is far more instinctual since we are used to modulating our voices. 

And being deliberate is simple as well. You understand what you’re practicing and you actively put a mental and conscious effort into reaching that.

That’s why even 30 minutes of your time can make a massive difference in who you are as a singer and as a musician.

No More Excuses

Once you read and understand this, you will be left with no excuses for how you can learn to sing.

Because what I am about to tell you is going to blow your mind.

Online courses.

They are here to stay and you no longer have to worry about quality issues and how well you’re going to be taught.

Your age, height, and gender nothing at all matters here. Compared to private classes this is going to cost you a fraction of those while you reap the benefit of being able to learn from any corner of the world.

Which Online Course?

There are a ton of online courses on offer on the internet and I think it is my duty to tell you which online course you must buy. 

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the one that I would recommend, I personally own it and I would like you to get the same benefits in your singing as me.

Robert Lunte provides a lot of other courses and you can check them out here.

There really are no wrong decisions to take here.

Take your time and think it through, I know you’re going to be a great singer if you keep up the practice, regardless of your age. 

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