Why Can’t I Get Better at Singing?

That’s a legitimate question. A frustrating one for someone who’s really trying to improve and worse, someone who’s tried everything. I have tried many things and found some to be very effective.

Getting the right knowledge and instruction through which you can start practicing will help will propel your progress. If that is not the case then it definitely has to be the amount spent practicing. Correct knowledge combined with effective practice will solve most of the problems related to progress.

Of course, there is a lot to be said about this. Let’s read on to understand this in detail.

Practicing The Wrong Things

One of the primary reasons that you are not getting better at singing is that you are practicing the wrong things

That one can’t be blamed on you directly because you may have not been taught well. Sometimes it is less a matter of ignorance than it is a matter of being aware. That happens to all of us. 

Sometimes we just don’t know that knowledge of something better exists than the outside of what we first perceived.

Before we continue I would like to say about good and bad teaching. 

There are certain people who are really good at their craft but are really terrible at explaining what they do. 

Then there are people who are really bad at their craft but their really good at making you believe that they are good teachers. 

Before you go ahead in either direction you have to realize that you need to get your time and money’s worth. You need a teacher who is knowledgeable and a good explainer so that you are able to understand not only what they were trying to say but what they are trying to show as well.

An example of practicing wrong things or some bad habit that you might have picked up is not knowing how to sing going from a low note to a high note and then trying it for the first time by yourself and expecting it to work flawlessly. 

If you have not practiced the correct technique for it by yourself or with your teacher, then the ability to actually pull it off is very unlikely to happen.  

Not Practicing Enough or At All!

Sometimes what happens is we don’t have a correct gauge of how good or bad we are. 

It can be either. 

Sometimes you sing better than you think and sometimes you don’t sing as well as you think you do. 

This can lead us down the rabbit hole where we believe that going and practicing things is not for us because we have already mastered certain parts of it and while you may see that you are getting better without practice or with nominal practice, you need to actually put in more time and effort into sounding better than you did before.

There is a big false motion attached to singing that it has to have an innate ability or talent.

Sometimes we tend to fall for that as well. 

You might have some talent or innate ability to sing well but the idea of practicing is to progressively keep getting better as time goes forward

The whole idea of another method attached to singing is that if you keep on doing it will keep getting better. Again you will see marginal gains and then you will settle for something that doesn’t have actual value. 

If you have either one of these emotions in your head that is what might be stopping you from getting better.

Not Knowing What to Practice

So now that we have established that there is a difference between good teachers and bad teachers and innate ability and practice, we can now move on to the actual problem that might be plaguing most of us; that is, not knowing what to practice

This is very important. Good teachers who have structured things are hard to find, whether in real life or online courses. So when you go to YouTube and you are trying to search for a particular thing that you can’t do yet, the issue of learning from such places is that it requires the essential skills that build up that particular skill. 

If you don’t have the previous skill attained already then you are going to have a hard time doing anything harder than that.

How to Fix All of This

So the only way that I think that you can actually fix this and actually get better is to get knowledgeable. 

Move on to a source that you can actually look back to so that you can keep on practicing one by one, in a studied manner that will progressively increase the difficulty that you have, and then practice what you have not mastered yet; so that you are building a foundation for yourself which may go ahead and make you a better singer in the coming future.

On this website, I tell people that they ought to have an online course in their library. If you have done any kind of self-learning then you will find a great deal of usefulness from it because the amount of effectiveness an online course has is really good and it can help your singing life as well and make it monumental.

Online Courses

Online courses are the way to go, whether someone would agree or not. All of the jobs are moving online and we’ve had online courses for a while now as well. If you’re not a believer then I am sorry you’re honestly, missing out.

You can read about it here.

But, I would like to tell you about ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ by Robert Lunte and how amazing this course is for someone who is looking to take a singing course. If you don’t trust me then you can check it out thoroughly and make up your mind.

But I am not going to stop there, you can check out all of the courses on offer right here.

Whatever you do, I know you’re going to be a great singer!

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