Did your voice just crack? That’s not good and quite bluntly, it shouldn’t have to either. Its fix is rather simple and something we all can learn from to become better.
Singing voices crack due to bad technique. Another leading cause of this is attempting a skill that is too difficult for you to perform yet. Steady acquisition of greater and better techniques and skills will make sure that your voice never cracks no matter which singing range you may have.
There is a lot to be said about how you practice, what you practice, or if you practice at all, to be honest. But you must practice the correct techniques if you wish to become a better singer, let’s see how and why.
What If You Don’t Correct Technique
It may sound bad but it’s because it is. It can take a pretty bad form if you don’t correct your singing or if your voice cracks.
The good part about this is the fact that you realize that cracking while you’re singing is a problem and once we have a problem we ought to solve it. We can work towards something. Practicing towards something that will allow us to stop doing what’s happening to our voice.
In almost all cases the root cause that causes singers to have issues when they’re singing is having bad technique. Why they have bad techniques is a result of multiple reasons. But following the breadcrumbs of good singing etiquettes will allow us to get rid of all potential problems.
We can sit and think about all that has gone awry or we can pick ourselves up, realize we made a mistake, whether we were aware of it or not, and work towards refining ourselves.
Good Technique Fixes Everything
You might be thinking how does technique relate to singing voices cracking?
Well, if you never managed to learn to sing the high notes with the proper technique and never managed to work on your range along with your technique of breathwork then of course you won’t be able to sing it properly.
If you work on your range, posture, and breathwork, you will be able to sing without cracking. Isn’t that something?
Bad Practice
One of the reasons that cracking can happen is because of practicing bad habits or not practicing at all.
I would say that you have ended up practicing techniques and skills that do not allow you to perform what you are trying to perform and that you are trying to perform.
In other words, you’re trying to attempt a thing that is far too difficult for you, given your current skills.
Also the quality of your practice. If you think you are practicing the correct things then the issue lies within the quality of your practice.
But if you ever for a second doubt what you’ve been practicing has been effective then it’s 100% the issue. If you don’t know about it, you can’t practice.
Knowledge precedes practice.
You need to know about something to be effective and genuine in order for you to practice. If you can’t say that for sure then you’re practicing for no reason.
The best way to get knowledgeable about singing is through online courses. They won’t just teach you what to practice but how to perform the technique required of you as well. You can read about it here.
But if you do have a sure understanding of a good technique then you need to practice it well. That’s a sure-shot way of knowing that you’re going to get better.
And so in our journey to begin to understand what it all means we need to realize that it is a matter of technique. If it wasn’t clear already.
I write extensively about technique in all my other articles. The reason that it’s important is that technique is the way that we make a sound in music.
There is not just one technique but there are various techniques that you need to master in order to be able to sing well. So the more you do it the better you become but you also need to know which technique is the correct to replicate in your practice.
This understanding is fundamental because on this understanding of technique you are basing everything else on what you want to practice.
So don’t think that you can just know about a technique and you will be able to replicate it perfectly. The other half of that equation is practice.
The more you practice the correct techniques the better off as a singer you’ll be. The sooner that sets in your head the faster we can make progress towards you becoming a better singer.
Technique Can’t be Practiced Alone
And now you might be wondering how you can learn to better your technique, that’d be a great question!
Before I give away how to improve your technique I want you to know that technique cannot be practiced by itself in isolation.
By that I mean, when you are trying to sing something you’re trying to do so while employing a technique. Technique in singing is ever-present. It’s how you make a sound.
So to think that you can practice it in isolation is a false notion.
So the way that you improve your technique is while singing. It’s not a separate entity. So when you’re going through exercises, you’re actually singing and while you are at it, remember you will be applying a technique and if you change your technique you will sound different.
The starkest difference I can think of is metal growling versus pop singing. That’s why genre mismatching sounds interesting, you take the technique from one place and put it in another.
How to Get Better
Online course all the way. Don’t believe me? Read this article and tell me if I am wrong. I can guarantee that for the majority of people, even those who wish to attend a college that 99% of the time having an online course is going to allow you to learn singing at a rate that you didn’t think was possible.
You can read about it here.
You have the required knowledge to understand what and how things work in singing but now is the time to actually put it to the test and get better. Online courses will show you how, if you’re looking for particular online courses then you can check this page out.
How to Practice
The other half of the equation is practice and I have written an article on how just 30 minutes of practice can help you tremendously.
And another article in which I talk about how singers can progress at an incredibly fast rate.
Keep good technique and practice hard.