Why Do You Sing Better With Music?

It has happened to everyone and the problem is actually quite easily fixable given that you’re already into singing. The answers may surprise you.

You sing better with music because it allows you have a harmonic structure to rely on. Though, understanding how music theory and ear training work will eliminate the problem altogether as having a source to rely on to sing better than without it is a cause for concern for singers.

Perhaps you didn’t expect it to be a problem but it can turn itself into one for sure, let’s read on ahead to understand more.

Something to Hold On To

When you are singing with music, it gives you a point of reference to hold on to and especially to your ear. 

It does that by providing a harmonic backbone for you to rely on.

It is very similar to matching pitches. It allows you to latch on to a note and the more accurately you do that the better and more accurate you sing.

So having music to sing along with makes you sing better.

Something You Do

It’s not cheating either. You need to understand how to match your pitch so that you are able to do everywhere and be able to change keys and other music-related skills.

Especially if you don’t have a perfect pitch you must always rely on your relative pitch, what we normal folks have, and develop that to the point that you are able to pinpoint what you’re hearing.

So, yes you do rely on that and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Relying Too Much On Other Sources

But, if you rely too much on an external source and not on your own ear, it could lead to dependency for the right pitch on other instruments at all times.

Which is not going to work in your favor.

So, while singing better with music may not be the worst thing that you can do to yourself, relying on it and never getting out of it will surely be.

So, the underlying problem needs to be dealt with. 

It’s your ear.

Why Ear Training Matters

If you can tell a major difference when you’re singing better with music than without it, you need to train your ear.

You’re probably not able to determine if you’re going off the pitch without some reference, if you’re a beginner it’s fine but if you’re not, it’s time to put in some time into learning how ear training works and how you can use your voice to become better at it.

How to Improve Your Ear

The way that you improve your ear is by having an understanding of music theory because without it you don’t know what is being related to what is in ear training. 

Importance of Music Theory

Without music theory, there is not going to be much progress for you to make in ear training. Without music theory, there is very little to understand about ear training.

Music theory shapes the shapeless void full of sounds.

Ear training is the experience through which you understand what these sounds are and music theory tells you what these sounds are.

I know I sound a little starry-eyed about these two topics but to deny their importance, especially in something that makes you think that you sound better with music would be wrong on my part.

Mastering these two things to the point where you don’t have to think about whether you’re singing better with music will be a great advantage and something that is definitely possible to achieve with consistent and minimal practice.

Good Singing Practices

All in all, if you’ve been taking random singing lessons or your teacher has not taught you music theory or doesn’t think that it is important for you at all, it’s time to leave your teacher.

In good singing practices, matching pitches and learning how to use your voice to improve your ear are something that should just be taught. It’s not just because it is a holistic way to understand music but because understanding ear training and practicing it with your voice is ten times better than starting with an instrument.

To the point that all ear training classes in Berklee are done through singing and not with your instruments.

So, yes, you have an unfair advantage in learning about ear training because you already know how to sing.

You are already vocalizing the notes and sounds that you would need to understand how to relate to each other in ear training. I suggest that you make the best use of it so that you are able to get ahead in your ear training progress really fast.

It Starts With Good Singing Lessons

The better you sing the better you’ll be able to understand ear training. I am a heavy advocate of learning to sing online through online courses and I would like to share that with you as well.

A few benefits that you can think of are these, low cost compared to private classes, freedom of time to learn, perpetual lessons you can watch any number of times, and many more.

It Starts With Good Singing Lessons

The better you sing the better you’ll be able to understand ear training. I am a heavy advocate of learning to sing online through online courses and I would like to share that with you as well.

A few benefits that you can think of are these, low cost compared to private classes, freedom of time to learn, perpetual lessons you can watch any number of times, and many more.

But you can read all about it for yourself here.

I would also like to cut to the chase and give you this.

The Four Pillars of Singing’, is the course I personally own and would like you to have a look at yourself as well.

If you like what you see and want more options you can always check all of the courses. I have written a detailed overview of these courses and given their prices as well.

But remember, have at least one in your library, so that you have something you can rely on regardless of where you are and what you’re doing.

I hope whatever you end up deciding may lead you to become a really good singer.

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