Why Does My Singing Voice Sound Bad?

Singing voices come in two flavors, bad or good. There is hardly an in-between. It’s tough to be a singer but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve come this far, stay till the end.

Your singing voice sounds bad because of improper technique. The idea that you held about your singing skill is finally showing. If you knew what skills are required and how singing techniques are performed then it is only a matter of putting in the time and becoming a better singer by practicing.

Obviously, we have to dive in a little bit deeper to unravel all of this. Let’s begin.

Improper Technique

The whole idea of singing is that you are able to sing correctly. 

The way you do that is through practice. When you are not able to sing the way you should and you sound bad, it has to do primarily with you not being able to perform the techniques that ought to be performed. 

In other words, whatever practice that you have done has not been towards the steps that you ought to have taken to better yourself. Essentially the things that are required by you for you to be able to sound good are missing. 

If you didn’t understand the idea of technique then I hope this example makes sense. 

One of the few examples of how improper technique makes you sound bad is you don’t have the correct posture and you are trying to sing notes that are too high for you and you are trying to sound the best that you can but you are not able to get the output that you want. 

That usually means that you know of an end goal that you think you can sing but you are not able to. 

When something like this happens, it is probably a matter of having improper technique.  

Practicing Wrong Things (Time Wastage and Double Correction)

Another reason that you sound bad with your singing voice is that when you sit to practice, which I hope you have, you have practiced the wrong things. Because how can you know the correct things to practice if you do not understand what is the wrong thing to practice first? 

So, it is a matter of lack of knowledge which can be easily cured if you know where to find the correct resource. At the end of this article, I will give you these resources which I believe are the best ones that you can have in order for you to grow as a singer. 

One of the primary things that happen when you practice wrong things is that you solidify the foundations of your singing knowledge and practices (the practical things that you ought to practice) with not only improper technique but with wrong knowledge. This means that it is a matter of double correction

First, you have to forget what you have mistakenly taught yourself

Second, you ought to learn the correct way to do that

The reason that you sound right now worse than you think that you ought to is that you have already done this. By reading this article, you are aware now of what you need to change, at least that you need to change something about your practices or your knowledge. 

Because you have practiced wrong things or you have either solidified wrong things that have made up your foundation weak or you have not practiced enough for your foundations of singing to be solidified at all. 

Not Enough Practice Or Experience

I understand when beginners are first starting out that they cannot understand the difference between good lessons vs bad lessons. But, eventually, you will be able to discern the difference between a good-quality lesson and a bad one. 

One of the things that I know that makes sense is to go on YouTube and start getting educated and start taking singing lessons without any order or form. 

While there might be very good teachers online who may be able to guide you and show you the way that one ought to sing. It is nothing compared to a proper in-person class or something that has a really good online training course. 

It is not even comparable. 

The foremost problem that we need to solve and which is easily fixable is by becoming more knowledgeable about singing. I do not mean in terms of knowing history. 

I mean that in terms of how singing actually works, what are the techniques that are used in singing, what is your voice range at the moment, and understanding how notes work.  

While music theory will help it is kind of a broader, general aspect of music altogether. It is not related specifically to word singing and that is precisely the issue. 

Another way by which you can start to sing better is by practicing hard. 

Once you have gathered the knowledge and you have forgotten the wrong things that you have picked up along the way, you can actually begin to practice really hard. 

Practice the correct things this time which are going to help you become a better singer not only just faster but comparatively to your old self as well. 

How to Fix This Fast

One of the major reasons that I started this website is to provide correct steps and knowledge so that people are able to take the necessary steps to become better singers than they were before.

One of the primary ways and the only way that I think a beginner ought to become better at singing is through online courses. There are lots of reasons. 

A few of them are that online courses unlike in-person classes can be looked into at whatever time you have. And as busy as we are, we do not have particular times of the day we can go to someone and get in-person lessons. 

These online courses are becoming more and more knowledgeable and precise, which is really hard to misinterpret. So, there is no room for error on your end to start your practice and get it done. 

So if you are convinced that you ought to become a better singer, then I would suggest you look at the links that are provided here now so that you are able to become a better singer than you were, yesterday. 

Which Online Course to Buy

You might be wondering I hark a lot about these online courses and I haven’t told you which one is the best yet.

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the best online course you can get for yourself if you’re in the market for one and definitely the only one you’d need.

There are other courses on offer by the same teacher and you can find them here

So go and get yourself an online course!

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