Why Does Singing Feel Good?

It’s a really good feeling you have when you’re doing something you’re enjoying. Time seems to pass away and you don’t realize when and how the hours went by.

Singing feels good because it’s deeply rooted in our culture and acts like a medium through which we are able to become a part of a bigger whole. It makes us feel good because we associate music with our emotional state as well.

There is a lot left to be discussed about this, let’s continue reading!

We Celebrate with Music

Whether it’s the music festival Coachella or an African Tribe that is celebrating, we have been putting melody into a rhythm for as long as humans have existed. 

That is how we have done things, that is how we have represented what we are and what we stand for, and be able to discern what the occasion is. 

Various religions only sing certain songs during the appropriate festival. We associate music and singing with not only just festivities but also with what we have put our faith and beliefs in. Whether it is for patriotism or religious reasons.

No culture in the world is void of music and especially singing. Even if it may be void of other instruments, singing is almost always found in every culture, it doesn’t matter which end of the earth it’s from; it’s present. 

Due to its constant presence in all our celebrations, singing feels good.

It’s a Human Expression

It’s a human expression because we allow ourselves to communicate through it. 

The whole idea behind having a language is that there is a common understanding of words and what they represent so that we are able to communicate to each other what they ought to mean.

Since the beginning of human civilization, we have not only done this but we have also expressed ourselves in various other art forms. 

Sounds are one of the most common ones because that has been our innate ability since birth. 

We create sounds in order to understand what others are saying but even within that communication spectrum, we use music as a way to communicate and talk to each other on a deeper level.

It’s important because songs and music contain stories

They are talking about something that everyone else can relate to understand and so the emotional attachment towards that particular subject may vary according to cultures and other beliefs but the idea remains the same. 

It is when singing particular words in a particular order of words and in a particular rhythm with this melody means something to people and it unites them into understanding something that is bigger than themselves. 

This is one of the reasons why singing feels so good

It is because it may not be just for relaxing or just a casual approach but it is a part of how we humans interact with each other. In my humble opinion, one of the strongest reasons why people don’t quit music is because it makes them feel bigger than themselves, and in a good way as well.

It’s a Human Emotion

Because it conveys how things are and how things work, singing can and has been represented as something that we feel in that moment and time as well. 

Not only does singing represent ideas but it also shows that this was the feeling of the writer of what they felt and how they felt when they were writing this. 

For example – take patriotic songs. When you talk about a country as a whole, when the national anthems were first initially composed they were given in the light of not only what people felt about the country at that time; regardless of whether you agree with their beliefs or not, it brings people together into a common ideology and promotes it by people singing it. It again unites them together. 

Another funny thing and especially patriotic songs can do is they can actually take in to tell you a story about what they have been through, who they are and where they are headed as well. 

How to Get Better at Singing

Before I tell you how we can go about getting better at singing, I would like to say a few words about why you ought to think about getting better at singing. 

The primary reason is when you are involved in an art form you are never really alone. Wherever you go in the world, there will always be people who perform or take part in that art form and you can always find the community for yourself. 

It is going to be easier for you to meet people who do the same things as you and you can become as previously stated a part of something bigger than yourself. 

It might be a small group, it might be a band and it might be something that might not turn into something big but at that moment it might be the thing that you may need to be a part of a group that can become your friends or even a potential band someday. Why?

You get better at music in general when you are surrounded by people who are better than you.

It also opens your mind up to things that are possible and that allows you to gauge what you like to do and what you don’t. Which funnily is how I realized I didn’t want to be in bands.

I was enrolled in ensembles for my scholarship work, I thought I’d love it and I’d be part of ensembles with particular things to follow. Hated it. Utterly despised it to the point that I never ended up joining a band ever again. 

These days my musical endeavors are limited to solely composing music by myself. Which I enjoy very much.

So on this website, I recommend people to have an online course as a way for them to get better. At the end of the article, you will find all the links to the courses that I believe are the best for you to understand. 

Best Online Courses

I am going to cut to the chase and give you the best online course you can buy right now so that you don’t waste your time or money somewhere else.

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the way to go about it. If you don’t trust me then go read about it and check it out for yourself. I am just a bearer of good news.

There are a lot more specific courses on offer by Robert Lunte and you can pick anything you’d like, here.

Whatever you end up deciding, I hope you end up getting yourself one, and I do recommend having at least one in your library!

Godspeed and enjoy learning how to sing!

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