Oh no, we have officially gone over to the point where something is hurting. This is not correct, and learning how to avoid it and what precisely might be wrong is going to help us in the long term.
Singing hurts your throat because you are employing a bad technique. Mastering the correct techniques will ensure that you will never have to deal with such symptoms and allows you to enjoy singing on an unprecedented level. Prevention of learning bad techniques will ensure you stay on the course of steady growth in singing.
So how do we fix this? The solution is simple and quite easy to follow with every resource available on this website you will be able to navigate through these waters very easily.
Wrong Technique
If you’ve never read any of the articles that I’ve written before then technique is highly important. It’s how musicians make a sound in music.
So, if you’re not able to do a certain thing in music, including singing, or are having difficulty doing then you need to take a very hard long look at your technique.
Never assume that practicing more will make it better, if you’re practicing a bad technique you’re essentially turning it into a habit, which in the future would need to be forgotten and be replaced with the correct technique anyways.
So if you’re performing something and it’s hurting your throat while you sing, then you’re going wrong somewhere and the best place to start is to look at your technique.
The first step to realizing that you’ve indeed picked up the wrong technique is knowing that it’s not allowing you to do something you want. This hindrance can come in many forms and one of them could be your throat hurting.
We must fix that.
Mastering Technique Requires
Regardless of what you might play in music, you need to have a technique. This becomes even more important for singers as they use their vocal cords to produce sound.
Knowledge Is Important
So the thing that you need to know when you’re practicing to master a technique is knowing about it.
Think about it, how are you going to master something if you don’t even know what it is? How does it sound? How to perform it? The more you know about a particular technique the better you’re prepared to master it.
So, knowing about it is super important and then putting in the time to actually practice it.
Time to Practice
The only way to get better at technique is through practicing it. Even if it is just 30 minutes of practice. As I said earlier that practicing a bad technique will lead you down the wrong path but the opposite is also true,
Mastering a good technique will pay its dividends for years to come. Master it once and it will stick with you for a very long time.
How to Master Technique
So you understand that in order to master a technique you need to practice it and in order to practice it you need to know what it is.
The best way to become knowledgeable about singing is through online courses and I have written in great detail about how they can help you do so. You can read about it right here.
The way they work is the instructor isn’t just going to show you how they’re performing the technique but show you how to practice it as well. There will be exercises that you need to master to produce a particular sound that won’t even get you close to having pain in your throat for singing.
Major Benefits of Online Courses
If you go to formal education for singing, the bills are going to rack up fast. While you may have a great one-on-one session with your teacher, the amount you’ll pay matters a lot.
So, when you buy an online course the only driving factor is going to be your own discipline and I believe that knowing that it’s a perpetual purchase (which means you just need to pay once) you can make a great use of it rather than spending close to hundred times more for a degree or ten times more for private lessons.
I have written another article answering if singers should attend college or not.
If you’re interested in seeing the courses that I believe in and own one myself then you can check this page out.
Bad Habits
Always remember this, bad habits that come from not knowing enough about singing require an overcorrection.
You go wrong, you realize that you’re doing something wrong when your throat hurts, you try to learn the correct thing and then you correct it.
Too many steps.
The best remedy is prevention, you’re already aware of how to go about it when it comes to understanding and practicing the correct techniques.
So this is a word of caution, there are a lot of things one can fall for when it comes to learning to sing but you must be vigilant and not allow yourself to fall for them further.
Time is precious and the more you spend on learning the correct things by joining an online course the better off you’ll be.
The Same Applies to Everything Else
Before we put an end to this article I would like you to read another article that talks about how you can progress through singing really fast.
All the things that I talked about in this article, all the principles of knowledge and practice, you can apply those to every other aspect of music as well.
Including music theory, music production, and everything in between.
So whatever you end up doing I hope your technique improves and you never make a mistake ever again!