Why Does Singing in The Shower Sound Better?

I hope you shower as often as you can because that would mean you can practice your singing while you’re at it and keep on becoming a better singer while maintaining hygiene. Now, that’s the proper use of technology.

Reverb (echo) and not having a good ear will make you sound better in the shower than you actually are. These can be confusing things to differentiate for an untrained ear but with a little knowledge and practice, they’re achievable.

Learning to sing better will actually make you sound both in and out of the shower but…

First Things First

For this article to begin I am assuming that when you hear yourself outside of the shower you don’t sing as well. And that’s fine. It happens to all of us because there is something known as ear bias and reverb that can trick our ears into believing that we are actually seeing better than we are. 

It happens to the best of us.


For those of you who don’t know or aren’t familiar with these music production terminologies, actually, it’s not a music production terminology, reverb insert meaning. 

When we hear our voices in an environment that gives us an echo kind of sound it leads us to believe that we are singing larger than we are and in music production, this technique is used and recreated digitally so that things may sound better. 

It’s also a necessary technique for us to use at a certain stage in mixing so that things don’t sound flat and may sound like they’re actually being played.

So, if you hear yourself singing better in the shower then you will realize that it probably has to do with reverb.

Ear Bias

But that’s not all, a lot of it can be dependent upon your ear as well because if you haven’t trained your ear to hear the differences between the notes or to understand harmony and how it works then it is quite easy for you to judge bad singing after or before the shower as good. 

We need to train our ears and mind to discern between what sounds good versus what sounds good in a reverb versus what is actually sounding bad but decent with the reverb. Wish I could say they’re all the same things but they really aren’t.

This is not something easy for anyone to do, it is actually quite hard. It required your ear to be exposed to such things over and over again.

But a lot of this falls under music production and the ability to create reverb.

A fun fact is that you can actually recreate these kinds of sounds on a computer and even your phone. It is quite easy.

But hypothetically, if you want to sound better outside of the shower as well then I would suggest that you go through the articles on this website in which I talk about how to practice and why online courses are better or if age is a barrier.

What You Perceive to Be True

And a lot has to do with perception as well. Because you don’t actually make a different sound or your skill levels don’t increase in the shower as compared to when you are outside of the shower. 

So it is a matter of perception. 

If you want to see a confusing image that has two possibilities then you’ll end up seeing the one that you focus on, and so it is a matter of perception and where you are focusing. 

The same is true in this case, if you think you sound better in the shower but you don’t outside of it only then the only thing determining the difference between the two is not your skill level but how you are perceiving the sound.

And as I said before, if you really want to learn the difference between the two then I suggest you learn ear training but in order to understand ear training and how it works you need the basics of music theory. 

Why Music Theory Is Important

Music theory will allow you to go through the basics and the foundations of how music is structured and built. The reason it is so important is that music theory is common to all.

Once you are able to understand music theory and are able to start your basic ear training practice, with time you will be able to differentiate between good singing and bad singing and when a reverb of the shower is working in your favor or not.

Another reason why you think you sing better in the shower is that usually, people are very relaxed while they are taking a shower. So even a small activity small fun activity like singing seems like a really blissful task.

It is like taking a walk through the rain when is just drizzling and it’s not getting you wet and you are completely dry. You are still in the rain but what your eyes see visually makes you enjoy the walk that you are having.

All of that being said I think it is time to tell you where you can learn to sing.

Learning to Actually Sing

Nothing is going to matter other than your ability to actually sing.

You get better through practice and of course, all the things I have mentioned above. But what is the best and optimal way for you to get better at something? 

The answer is online courses.

I have written extensively about online courses and I feel so passionate about them that I am going to give you the one that I truly trust and one that you should trust as well.

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the one online course you should opt for. 

It’s developed and taught by Robert Lunte and you should definitely check it out, if you want something more specific like rock or even a warm-up course then you should check all the courses out here.

Whatever you decide will be on you, but in other articles, I have mentioned that you should strive to have at least one course for yourself.

They won’t rot either.

All the best.

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