Why Is My Singing Voice So High?

You’re singing too high? Wow, isn’t that something to be concerned about? I don’t think so at all, actually, I might even be a little bit jealous of you.

Having a high singing voice is nothing to be afraid of or to think negatively of. Most people have to work very hard for it, you should focus on making the most of it by practicing different aspects of singing and trying to understand how it works and what other skills you can benefit from your gift of singing high notes.

So that’s that and you are not allowed to think about it negatively at least until the end of this article! Let’s read on ahead to understand this in more depth.

It’s Great!

Well technically, it’s a great thing that you are able to sing so well and are able to sing with a natural knack for it.

Most people have to work very hard to reach a point where they can sing high. Especially male singers since their natural limits of singing high notes are not there compared to their female counterparts.

It can take quite a long while for anyone to consider themselves being able to sing high. There are no negative attributes associated with it though.

If you’re able to do without practice imagine what you can do with practice and what heights you can be able to achieve.

Try Singing Lower

This may sound controversial as I just said that people have to work hard to reach a place where they are considered able to sing high notes but this shouldn’t mean that when you’re called upon to sing a part your range is so focused on singing high notes that you forget practicing the low notes.

You are not exempt from improving your range and range works both ways.

What You Should Do About It

But, you should definitely put it to good use.


Within singing, I would recommend you start singing songs that are within your range or start to do exercises to improve your range even more.

If it is truly a gift then you ought to be willing to expand it even more and see where the limit is.

Because there will be a limit. Make sure you’re not just made of fluff but you’re actually skillful as you are the only one who can take your own singing to the next level. 


When it comes to music in general I would recommend that you learn music theory and ear training. 

These two things are what makeup everything in music that it is for you to understand and rationalize. Without it, you’re working without systems and a language through which you can communicate in.

A singer who can sing high but can’t communicate what they’re trying to say to other people or worse, can’t understand what other musicians are saying is going to end up clueless, and having the ability to sing high notes won’t really help in that situation.

How It Will Help

Music theory and ear training will not end their benefit there though.

It will help you to venture off into much more of what music has to offer and I believe that the ability to sing high naturally or however you have achieved it will only be made better with these added things.

What are these things?


If you understand how high you can sing and how well you understand it you are going to be much better at composing your own songs.

Which I believe is the end goal of learning all of these things. Being able to create something of your own and telling it proudly to the world what you have done.

Music Production

A little bit of knowledge about music production goes a really long way and being able to tell people that you are able to record your own music with your amazing voice at home is something anyone should be proud of.

Learn to Sing

But by far the most important that you can do to aid your singing of high notes is o learn to sing even better. You may have stumbled upon some luck by which you are able to sing high but I think that is just a good enough reason to take it to the next level.

I believe in online courses as they cost a fraction of private classes and you are able to access them from anywhere. I think you’ll find the exercises provided in these courses to be very fun since you’re able to sing high notes already.

Four Pillars of Singing

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is a methodology developed by Robert Lunte and has taken the internet by storm with this method of teaching how to sing.

Over the past few years, he has had students from all over the world and has been giving online courses to people who can’t attend his classes in person the same quality you would get from attending them in person.

But it doesn’t stop there either, there are a lot more courses that you can choose from and I have made a page specifically for that along with what they cost so you can make the decision for yourself, here.

I honestly believe you get your money’s worth and you should definitely be able to benefit from it given that you practice effectively and deliberately through it.

Nothing will be able to stop you from getting better if you do so. It’s simple and all across this website, you will find that I am a big advocate for deliberate practice with the correct knowledge.

So, you’ve got a part of the knowledge from reading this article and I encourage you to go and read more articles on the website.

Whatever you do, I hope you become a great singer!

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