Why is Singing So Hard?

It is a difficult skill to ‘master’. But when you’re first starting out, should it feel like that? Or in between? The answer may surprise you but it will surely educate you about singing for sure.

Singing is hard because you’re not taught well. Once you understand what makes up singing (the knowledge) and how singing is performed (technique) then you start to progress in the right direction and won’t find singing to be as hard as you did.

Let’s dive in and see how we can fix this problem of you finding singing to be hard.

You’re Not Taught Well

I always hear this and you will see this common in all of the articles that I am writing here.

The ability to learn the basics of anything demands that it is easy and accessible for everyone to learn. 

What I mean by that is when you sit down to learn anything from the basics of anything (doesn’t matter, it could be anything) the basics of it are going to be easy. 

So, if you are struggling with singing and have found that singing is hard for you, then the issue that rises is the fact that you are not taught well or you have been struggling to learn singing by yourself because of all the things that you have come across are too hard for you to handle at the moment. They’re hard for you to perform because you haven’t the skills that are a prerequisite to them.

This is why I believe that everyone should have an online course in their pockets so that they have some curriculum to follow. 

And what ultimately happens is because you don’t know what to learn and in what order, you take up random things that are way above what they are to your current skill level and you find them too difficult to master. Too hard of difficulty will result in you quitting.


One of the easiest ways to learn anything is to break down complex things into smaller bite-size pieces. You will be doing that till the time you are finished practicing – which maybe never (joke). 

Practice makes everything easier eventually.

This is highly important because you have to realize that when you are first beginning to do something, it needs to have some friction for you to learn. If it doesn’t have any friction for you, then that means you already are good at it. 

It’s like walking. If you didn’t struggle with walking at all, then you wouldn’t be considered a learner, as someone who’s learning how to walk, but if you there were a baby and you see it tumbling and falling down you obviously know the baby was struggling with learning how to walk, but that is not considered a failure, that is considered something adorable and we need to look at practice the same way.

When you are struggling to get something done and you are stumbling and falling often, you need to look at yourself

and realize that whatever you do and whatever you are doing is for yourself and for your own betterment, and not practicing is going to be worse. See yourself struggling? Wonderful, you won’t be struggling as much in a week’s time. That’s how practicing works.

But that only works successfully when you know something and what you have to practice. 

Knowing is Half of the Practice

This relates to the first point because you are not taught well, you don’t know where North is and if you don’t know where to go then how will you get there?

So you will just be randomly stumbling and falling whenever you want to win not getting anywhere. And again, not to boast or brag or beat the same drum but the idea behind having an online course is simple.

It allows you to have a curriculum. In which you are taught things that a singer ought to know.

In the making of an online course, the teacher has to sit down and think about what needs to be taught in what order so that students are able to achieve better results. 

While in a private class you would be getting one-on-one sessions but the teacher will not have a curriculum set that is required for all beginners to know, so, even if you are a decent singer but your basics are missing, you would have to pay a lot of money just to get your basics through with your private instructor. 

While on the other hand, if you were online and you were just sitting around and going through the basics, you will soon realize that you are getting this done for way less money and a shorter time than what you are going to pay for private classes, and in that, we would solve the first problem of not being taught well. 

Once you are aware of the situation then you are able to take full advantage of it and manipulate it to the max and in this case, this is what is going to do. 

Online courses not only provide you with the lessons that you need to know, but they also teach you how to do something. You are also going to find that you are being taught well. Plus there are reviews you can always check.

What the basics are and what are the things that you can get you from where you want to go in that we answer the question why is singing hard? 

Singing is hard because you are not taught well and the basics of anything are always easy. 

So once you are taught well and understand the basics, then of course you are on your way to becoming an amateur singer, and believe me, that is not going to take long. 

If you practice for 30 minutes a day for a regular of six months, then you can easily surpass the beginner’s stage and you will actually come to a point where you can easily say that you sing decently. 

The Only Course You Need

Of course, it would be wrong on my behalf if I didn’t tell you which course I would personally recommend to you. (Read their importance here).

The Four Pillars of Singing’ is the course that you ought to get so that you are able to focus on getting better immediately. 

The author of the course has also written the book for it and it will be included in your purchase. There are a lot of other courses offered by the same teacher, who is Robert Lunte, check them out here.

All the best with your singing practice! I know you will get better and better!

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