Will Singing Improve My Voice?

Do you mean your speech or singing voice? Now we’re in trouble! Because we have to take into consideration both things, you probably won’t be surprised but definitely more educated by the time we’re done with this article.

Singing will not improve your speaking voice. Singing will however improve your singing voice. Mastering techniques through knowledge and deliberate practice will allow you to sing better and in turn, allow you to sound better. This practice however will not improve your everyday speech.

There are however not a lot of commonalities between a singing voice and your everyday speaking voice. Let’s read ahead on how they’re different and how you can improve your singing!

Not Your Talking Voice

I think there is a need to make a distinction between what kind of voices you are talking about and for the sake of ambiguity I am going to cut to the chase.

Singing will not improve your talking voice. So if you think that singing will improve your normal regular speaking voice, it probably won’t. It might change a little bit but the difference is going to be negligible.

However, if you are talking about your singing voice then yes. Every practice session eventually will lead up to you having a better singing voice and in that sense singing will change your voice.

And therein lies the difference between speech and singing.

Speech Vs. Singing

They are not at all the same and yet they are.

They are common in the sense that we use our vocal cords for both tasks. But there are differences in the sense of how they are delivered. And the way that you make a sound is simply known as technique.


In public speaking, you use different techniques to make yourself sound a certain way. The same is also true in singing. You use techniques to sound a certain way – when you want to sound a certain way you change your technique. Even when you’re going from a low note to a higher one.

But neither of these endeavors is going to make your normal speaking voice any different. And you’ll also laugh the same.

Since this is a website on learning how to sing, I am going to focus on the fact that you want to learn how to sing.

Deliberate Practice

And the way that you need to do that is through deliberate practice and all throughout the website you will find me using this word quite often.

The reason is simple, deliberate practice means only one thing.

That you are deliberate about what you are practicing.

In other words, you know that there is something you have to practice. Why? Because otherwise, it wouldn’t be practice.

You should be aware of how it’s done. Why? Because you wouldn’t know how to practice.

You should be aware of what it is. Why? Because you wouldn’t know what to practice.

That’s why singing alone will not improve your singing voice because the knowledge required to be a successful singer is missing.

Also, practicing like this will allow you to deconstruct a song, a technique, and everything else in your head.

But if you leave it up to chance, that just by singing you’re going to get better, that is not going to work. It never has and it never will.

And when you leave it up to chance, what happens is eventually you come across a skill that is far too above your skill level and you try to practice that without moving the skills that are a prerequisite to that.

And this can be said for any endeavor that you follow. If you want to learn anything and if you go directly to the advanced level of something if you don’t know the basics or the skills preceding it, you are not going to be very successful getting to the next level.

I have made this website so that I am able to help people in their singing paths.

I have written extensively about why there is a need for online courses for people and you can read that article in the last subheading. 

Before We Finish

I hope by now you know that learning how to sing doesn’t have to be a tiring task and definitely not a task that you have to figure everything out by yourself. 

So if you are in the hopes of learning how to sing, then you’re in the right place because at the end of the article I have included quite a few resources that you can use to get better at singing, which is the whole point of this website.

Just so you know, all the courses that I have mentioned here will provide you with the knowledge and the ways to perform the technique that is required by a singer to perform. 

The best thing about these courses is they are perpetual which means you can watch them as many times as you want and you only have to pay for them once. 

I hope whatever you end up deciding and whether or not you continue to learn singing, I hope that you got something out of this article and I encourage you to read other articles to help yourself to whatever extent you want to.

Online Courses

Online courses are the way to go if you want to learn how to sing. It is going to be a sure-shot way of making sure you’re improving as a singer. Read my thoughts about it here.

But to tell you which course is the best for you, ‘The Four Pillars of Singing’ is going to be the one that you ought to look out for. There is no other course that I have found that is like this at all. So, knock yourself out and go get it.

There are various other courses (here) but I don’t want to keep you here, the real singing is done when you’re performing or practicing. So, check them out at your own pace and learn to sing!

All the best in all your endeavors and feel free to read other articles!

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